To participate in regional awards, you need:
Student Branch chair and counselor updated in VTools.
10 members in the applicant student branch
5 members in the applicant student chapter or affinity group
Student Branch 2023 plan submitted (if applicable)
Important Considerations
- When submitting an article, the applicant is responsible for the veracity and originality of the information contained in the document;
- The applicant must agree with all the criteria of the bases;
- Points that are not in this base should be dealt with the organizing commission via email;
- If there are no cases that meet the objectives of the contest, the evaluating commission will not be obliged to appoint winners;
- If necessary, the organizing committee reserves the right to make changes at some point (s) of this base by notifying the applicants.
List of regional awards

Exemplary Student Affinity Group Award
Deadline for submissions: August 7th, 23.59 (GMT-8), 2023
Exemplary Student Technical Chapter Award
Deadline for submissions: August 7th, 23.59 (GMT-8), 2023

Success Case Contest
Deadline for submissions: August 7th, 23.59 (GMT-8), 2023
Regional Photography Student Contest
Deadline for submissions: August 7th, 23.59 (GMT-8), 2023

IEEE Student Membership Contest
Deadline for submissions:August 7th, 23.59 (GMT-8), 2023

Ethics Contest
Not organized for 2023

Regional IEEE Day Contest
Not organized for 2023
Regional TISP Contest
Not organized for 2023