• Topic: IEEE President-Elect Address
  • Title: My Personal Journey with IEEE
  • Description: President-Elect Land will describe her volunteer journey with IEEE. A talk filled with insights, humor and to challenge you to think about your personal goals as you partner as an IEEE volunteer.
  • Time: 09:00 (GMT -7)
  • Language: EN
      • Position: IEEE President-Elect 2020
  • Speaker: Susan Kathy Land



Susan K. (Kathy) Land is a Program Manager for the U.S. Department of Defense’s Missile Defense Agency. She has more than 30 years of industry experience in the application of software engineering methodologies, the management of information systems, and leadership of software development teams.

Kathy serves as the 2020-2022 IEEE Entrepreneurship Board of Directors liaison. Kathy served as the 2018 Vice President, IEEE Technical Activities. She also served two additional terms on the IEEE Board of Directors as Division VIII Director/Delegate in 2011 and 2012 and as Division V Director/Delegate in 2014 and 2015. She was President of the IEEE Computer Society in 2009. Kathy was a member of the IEEE-USA Board of Directors in 2013 and 2016.
Kathy has been an active member of the IEEE Standards Association for more than 20 years and served as the Computer Society Vice President for Standards in 2004. She was the recipient of the 2007 IEEE Standards Medallion.
An IEEE Fellow, Kathy is the author and co-author of a number of texts and publications supporting software engineering principles and the practical application of software process methodologies. She is an IEEE-HKN Member and IEEE Computer Society Richard E. Merwin Award recipient.


  • Topic: 
  • Title: New Initiatives in R9
  • Description: 
  • Time: 09:10 (GMT -7)
  • Language: EN
      • Country: Ecuador
      • Position: Region 9 Director
  • Speaker: Alberto Sanchez


Biography: Alberto Sánchez is currently a professor at Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ. He obtained his degree in Electronics & Control Engineering from Escuela Politécnica Nacional EPN (1999), MSc in Power Electronics & Control with Distinction from the University of Bradford (2000), Bradford-UK, and the PhD in Electronic & Electrical Engineering from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow-UK (2004).

Alberto has worked in academia at USFQ and EPN and in Petrobras. In 2005 he co-founded I&DE Cia. Ltda.; which to this day is the number three company in Ecuador for the production of vertical transportation systems. He has more than 25 published articles in journals and conferences in areas of power systems, control and signal processing. 

Alberto has been a member of IEEE since 2002. He has organized and served as technical chair in several conferences in Ecuador and the Andean Region. He served as IEEE Ecuador Section Secretary in 2016-2017 and section chair from 2014 to 2015. In 2017 Alberto was elected as Region 9 Director-Elect, and currently serves as Director.

  • Topic: Resources and Tool for volunteers
  • Title: Supporting Students — And a Challenge
  • Time: 9:40 (GMT -7)
  • Language: EN
      • Country: Canada
      • Position: MGA Vice-President Elect
  • Speaker: Maike Luiken


Biography: Maike Luiken is the founding director of the Bluewater Technology Access Centre (BTAC) (2013) following eight years as Dean at Lambton College, first as Dean, School of Technology, Applied Sciences and Apprenticeship, Fire School, Applied Research (2005), then as Dean of Applied Research and Innovation, Business Development and Sustainable Development (2007). Maike provided strategic leadership to the development of the applied research capacity and portfolio at Lambton College and led research funding proposals attracting more than 10 million CAD in public research envelope funding to the college.

Prior to her engagement at Lambton College, she was Vice-President Research Alliances at the National Capital Institute of Telecommunications (NCIT) in Ottawa. NCIT was a 5 year initiative to enhance collaborative research in telecommunications spanning industry, academia and government laboratories with the goal to grow the telecommunications industry.

Maike has more than 30 years of professional experience in teaching, research and educational administration, leadership and community building; especially in linking industry partners, government agencies and researchers in advanced technology initiatives. She has working experience in the public and private sectors in Canada, USA and Germany.

Her areas of interest and expertise span diverse technical areas from energy and water to advanced manufacturing and nanotechnologies with particular interest in how progress in one area, for example in the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) sector, enables advances in other disciplines.

Maike obtained her Staatsexamen in Mathematics and Physics from the Technical University Carolo-Wilhelmina in Braunschweig, Germany (1979) and her Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Waterloo (1982). She spent a year at the University of Manitoba studying for a Master’s in Electrical Engineering.

Maike is currently serving/has been serving on numerous Boards of Directors and Committees, including Nano Ontario, Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA), IEEE Canada, IEEE Canadian Foundation, Sarnia/Lambton Workforce Development Board; Bluewater Sustainability Initiative, Rotary Club of Sarnia; Southwestern Ontario Bio-Products Innovation Network (SOBIN), Sarnia/Lambton Chamber of Commerce, Unmanned Systems Canada, Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Advanced Manufacturing Sector Advisory Board.

She contributes frequently to the IEEE Canadian Review as Associate Editor and Editorial Focus Advisor, Technology.

In addition to her academic career and volunteer activities Maike owns a technology consulting practice and has been engaged in the private sector for 15 years.

Maike is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada and a Senior Member of IEEE.


  • Title: Insight on Regional Student Activities from R9 RSAC 
  • Time: 11:05 (GMT -7)
  • Language: PT/ES
      • Country: Brazil
      • Position: Regional Student Activities Chair R9
  • Speaker: Reiron Lopes


Biography: Reiron Lopes has a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG, 2017) and has international experience as a visiting student, taking master’s courses in Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Coventry University (United Kingdom, 2013). He worked at KPIT (2018) and currently works as Software Lead at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA LATAM) in Recife, Brazil. He has been a volunteer and active member of the IEEE since 2014, and today serves as the IEEE Latin American and Caribbean Student Activities Committee Chair. He graduated from the VoLT program (2017) and was the winner of the IEEE Brazil Council Outstanding Student Volunteer Award and the IEEE Latin American and Caribbean Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award in 2017.  

  • Title: IEEE for Students – Opportunities & Beyond from R9 RSR
  • Time: 11:35 (GMT -7)
  • Language: ES/PT
      • Country: Paraguay
      • Position: Regional Student Representative R9
  • Speaker: Clara Berendsen Pereira


Biography: Computer Engineer student at the Universidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA) in Asuncion, Paraguay. Started her IEEE journey in 2017, when she joined the UNA SB and was part of the organising committee and one of the founding members for the WIE Affinity group. Joined the Potentials Editorial Board as a Student Editor for the period 2019-2020 and will be Corresponding Editor in 2021. Since this year, she has been part of R9 SAC as the Student Representative. Passionate about using technology to make a positive impact in society and Mate!

  • Topic: Recruitment & Retention, MGM
  • Title: Recruit & Retention
  • Time: 14:00 (GMT -7)
  • Language: ES/EN
      • Country: Panama
      • Position: IEEE Region 9 Director Elect
  • Speaker: Enrique Tejera

Biography: In 1981 he obtained the B.Sc. in the career of Electromechanical Engineering from the University of Panama and in 1983 the master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington. During his career, he has participated in numerous conferences, professional development programs, technical activities, seminars and courses.

He is a professional with extensive experience in the design of Power Systems, planning, operation, and maintenance, including generation, transmission, and distribution systems. Electrical and Mechanical engineer with proven track record of success in managing large-scale electromechanical engineering projects, consulting services in power system development plans, behavior analysis of electrical power systems, project management, budgets, contracts and preparation and review of technical specifications.

Worked for 12 years in the electric utility company from 1979 to 1991 (IRHE) in the area of ​​electrical systems planning and since 1991 in the Panama Canal responsible for the renovation, planning, operation and maintenance of the Power system of the Panama Canal, including the generation, transmission, distribution and protective relaying systems,

He has provided consulting and design services for transmission, distribution and generation projects, industrial, residential and commercial facilities and has also served as a part-time professor at the Technological University of Panama.

He has presented papers at technical conferences in Latin America and U.S.A. published in technical journals and conference proceedings. Currently, he works as a reviewer for technical documents that are presented at annual conferences, congresses, awards and international publications. He currently participates as Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Power and Energy Society and Editor-in-Chief of the Power & Energy Magazine Spanish version of the Power & Energy Society.

Member of the IEEE since 1979, Senior Member (1992) and has held volunteer positions at the local, regional and global levels including the period 2010-2011 where he served as Director of Division VII on the IEEE Board of Directors and from 2017-2019 on the IEEE-HKN Board of Governors representing Regions 7 (Canada), 8 (Europe and Africa), 9 (Latin America) and 10 (Asia and Oceania). Currently Elected Director of Region 9, Latin America, for the period 2020-2021.

He has been an active member of the Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects (SPIA) since 1989.

  • Topic: Tips for IEEE Scholarships
  • Title: Tips and opportunities for IEEE Scholarships
  • Time: 14:30 (GMT-7)
  • Language: ES/EN
      • Country: Colombia
      • Position: IEEE AESS Colombia Section Chair
  • Speaker: Giovanna Estefanía Ramírez Ruiz


Biography: Eng. Giovanna is an Electronic Engineer graduated from the Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito in Bogotá, Colombia. She is doing a master’s degree in development and integral project management. Is the Current President of the Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society (AESS-IEEE) Colombia section. She worked in the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Colombian Air Force.

She has been involved in several national/international collaborative research projects such as: Radiometry and atmospheric characteristics of the Antarctic zone for the development of aviation (Colombian Air Force), CANSAT System development (Comité Científico Aeroespacial Colombiano), satellites to getting the mission idea off the ground (NASA). Additionally, she has participated in the Cansat Leadership Training Program (CLTP10, UNISEC Japan 2019), building the first Colombian satellite mission in Japan as the first Colombian researcher in the field of Aerospace Engineering. She has honours such as: Best Young professional IEEE 2019. Entrepreneur of the year 2018 ‘with the JULIO GARAVITO award’ and Author of the invention «Genius Pamper».


  • Topic: Branding a project, Platinum Darrel Chong
  • Title: Branding an IEEE Project
  • Time: 15:00 (GMT -7)
  • Language: PT/ES
      • Country: Brazil
      • Position: IEEE Darrel Chong’s First Platinum Winner
  • Speaker: Paula Freitas


Biography: She has a background in Occupational Health and Safety and has Bachelor Degree in Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Brasília. She already occupied the position of IEEE Student Representative of the Brazil Council. She was Chair of the IEEE Student Branch at UnB, which reactivated in 2011 together with the creation and coordination of the renowned Electron Project IEEE UnB – Basic Electronics Teaching for Public School students project that is the IEEE Darrel Chong’s First Platinum Winner.

She also won the “Exemplary Volunteer 2012 Council Brazil” and “Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award 2013”.


  • Topic: Publishing in IEEE
  • Title: Publishing in IEEE
  • Description: In this talk we will review the editorial process of an article in IEEE, some tips are provided  to have a successful submission and  a higher chance to have your article accepted. Some of the most common problems that lead to a rejection decision will be explained.
  • Time: 16:00  (GMT -7)
  • Language: ES/EN
  • Country: Mexico
      • Position: IEEE Transactions Latam Editor
  • Speaker: Ilse Cervantes


Biography: PhD Mathematics-Automatic Control, 54 Journal Papers, 60 Conf. Papers, Head of Automotive Innovation Research Network of IPN (Instituto Politécnico Nacional), Editor-in-Chief IEEE Latin America Trans, Associate Editor IEEE Trans Transportation Electrificacion, Guest Editor-in-Chief «Control, Analysis, and Modeling of Vehicular Systems» in Mathematical Problems in Eng. (2014), Guest associate editor  special issues of IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics “Transportation Electrification and Vehicle Systems” (2013) and IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics Special Issue on “Transportation Electrification” (2013), Organizing Committee IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo / IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Senior Member IEEE, SNI II. 

  • Topic: Building an IEEE Career, IEEE VoLT
  • Title: My experiences in IEEE volunteering
  • Description: The talk is a brief review of my volunteering in IEEE, from my first steps in the UNC Student Branch to my service in Region 9. It will include participation in somo IEEE Committees (focused in SAC and YP) as well as activities in the EAB and my participation in the VoLT program as a mentee and mentor. I will also include relevant information from some recommended Events and Congress, including the main congres in Region 9 and the IEEE Section Congress.
  • Time: 16:30 (GMT -7)
  • Language: ES/EN
      • Country: Argentina
      • Position: IEEE Argentina Section Chair
  • Speaker: Augusto Herrera


Biography: Augusto J. Herrera (IEEE StM’05, GSM’07, M’13, SM’20) is an Electronic Engineer (2006) and MSc. on Telecommunications* (2018) from National University of Cordoba – Argentina. Currently he is Corporate Telephone Leader at Grupo N SA (a Prosegur Cash Company) and Network and Servers Administrator at Cordoba College of Specialist Engineers (CIEC). IEEE member since 2004, he has served in many officer positions in Argentina Section and Region 9. He won the IEEE R9 History Award (2011), IEEE R9 Theodore W. Hissey (2012), IEEE MGA Innovation Award (2017 as part of IEEEmadC Team) and IEEE EAB Meritorious Achievement Award In Pre-University Education (2018).



  • opic: Ethics
  • Title:
  • Description:
  • Time: 09:00 (GMT -7)
  • Language: EN
      • Country: USA
      • Position: IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Director
  • Speaker: John Havens


Biography: John C. Havens is Executive Director of The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems that has two primary outputs – the creation and iteration of a body of work known as Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent Systems and the recommendation of ideas for Standards Projects focused on prioritizing ethical considerations in A/IS. Currently there are thirteen approved Standards Working Groups and one completed Standard in the IEEE P7000™ series.

He is also Executive Director for The Council on Extended Intelligence (CXI) that was created to proliferate the ideals of responsible participant design, data agency and metrics of economic prosperity prioritizing people and the planet over profit and productivity. CXI is a program founded by The IEEE Standards Association and MIT whose members include representatives from the EU Parliament, the UK House of Lords, and dozens of global policy, academic, and business leaders.

Previously, John was an EVP of Social Media at PR Firm, Porter Novelli and a professional actor for over 15 years. John has written for Mashable and The Guardian and is author of the books, Heartificial Intelligence: Embracing Our Humanity To Maximize Machines and Hacking Happiness: Why Your Personal Data Counts and How Tracking it Can Change the World.


  • Topic: WIE
  • Time: 10:00 (GMT -7)
  • Language: J:EN/ L:ES/PT
      • Country: J: Puerto Rico / Liza: USA
      • Position: J: IEEE WIE Global Committee Chair Elect / Liza: IEEE WIE Global Committee Chair 
  • Speakers: Jenifer Castillo

Biography: Mechatronics Engineer, MBA – International Business. Currently works for Parker Hannifin Corp. Fortune 250 company, where she is the Territory Manager of the Caribbean. 

IEEE Senior member, being part of IEEE as member and volunteer for 16 years. WIE Global Committee Chair 2021, WIE Committee Member at Large (2019-2020), Region 9 Secretary, and Puerto Rico and Caribbean (PR&C) Section Technical Activities Chair. 

Previously, Region 9 Industry Engagement AdHoc Committee Chair, and the Puerto Rico and Caribbean (PR&C) Section Chair (2018 – 2019).


coming soon

Biography: Lisa is a 20-year Senior Member of the IEEE and has been an elected and appointed volunteer for the Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS) since 2003 and Women In Engineering (WIE) since 2013.  Lisa’s background is electrical engineering (BSc, MSc, DPhil) and her expertise includes biomedical signal processing; public engagement with science and engineering; and charitable grant funding.


  • Topic: Cybersecurity
  • Title: Crouching hacker, killer robot? Removing FUD from cyber-physical security
  • Description: Cyber-physical systems are attracting a lot of attention: attacks on connected cars received a lot of media exposure, as did attacks on industrial control systems, airplanes or medical devices. A lot of this interest is driven by vulnerability research (often in the form of “stunt hacking”). While engaging and attractive, does this research really help to answer the fundamental question of how to embed security analysis in design? Why are we failing? What are the root causes? How do we do better and move beyond instilling fear?
  • Time: 14:00 (GMT -7)
  • Language: EN
      • Country: Italy
      • Position: 
  • Speaker: Stefano Zanero


Biography: Stefano Zanero received a PhD in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, where he is currently an associate professor with the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria. His research focuses on malware analysis, cyberphysical security, and cybersecurity in general. Besides teaching “Advanced Cybersecurity Topics” and “Digital Forensics and Cybercrime” at Politecnico, he has extensive speaking and training experience in Italy and abroad. He co-authored over 90 scientific papers and books. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and sits in the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society; he is a lifetime senior member of the ACM, which has named him a Distinguished Speaker; and has been named a Fellow of the ISSA (Information System Security Association). Stefano is also a co-founder and chairman of Secure Network, a leading cybersecurity assessment firm, and a co-founder of BankSealer, a startup in the FinTech sector that addresses fraud detection through machine learning techniques.

  • Topic: Smart Grids
  • Title: Smart Grid: The future of electrical networks
  • Description: Smart Grid is a new concept and the trend for electrical power systems. In this sense, specialist systems are extremely necessary as they can automate processes or assist in decision making by electricity utilities. Following this context, it becomes possible to verify the use not only of specialist systems but also of the concepts involving computer networks, embedded systems, development of sensors and transducers. Therefore, it is important to note that the concept of Smart Grids adds knowledge in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Telecommunications Engineering
  • Time: 14:00 (GMT -7)
  • Language: PT/ES
    • Country: .
    • Position: .

Speaker: Jaqueline Gomes Cardoso

Biography: Jaqueline Cardoso is Ph.D in Energy Engineering from Federal University of ABC – Brazil (2017) and founder of JJ Engenharia Eletrica. Jaqueline has been an active IEEE volunteer since 2009. She has served several volunteer activities and leadership positions in different organizational units including Student Branch (UFABC- BRAZIL), South Brazil Section, Young Professionals and PES Society.


  • Topic: AESS
  • Title: Opportunities for AESS Students
  • Description:
  • Time: 
  • Language:
      • Country: 
      • Position: 
  • Speaker: Laila Fabi Moreira

Biography: Laila Fabi Moreira (S’16) was born in Landsberg, Germany, in 1989. She received the degree in electrical engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, Brazil, in 2013 and the Master’s degree at the State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil, in the field of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) in 2016. Since 2016 she is working in the preparation of the Ph.D. thesis about drone borne DInSAR. Internships: from 2009 to 2016 at Bradar – Embraer Defense and Security, Brazil, developing microwave and frequency conversion stages; in 2012 at Bonn Elektronik GmbH, Germany, developing digital and analog hardware; in 2014 at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA in Pasadena, USA, with emphasis on drone borne SAR calibration. In 2017 she co founded Radaz Ltda., Brazil, a start-up specialized in drone borne SAR development. She has 4 patents filed for SAR sensors and its environment in Brazil and abroad.

Her experience encompasses the design of analog and digital hardware for radars. Her research interests include the field of system design optimization for SAR. She is also part of the AESS Board of Governors and represents the region 9 (South America).

coming soon

Biography: Hello! I am Sarana Tse, and I was born in Texas, United States. I enjoy reading and trying new food. I’ll graduate from St. Mary’s University in 2021 with my Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and then with my Master’s in 2022.

I’ve done some research in encryption, and in wireless security. My current research involves using brain computer interface with signals from electroencephalographs (EEG) to detect seizures. 

As the Undergraduate Representative of IEEE AESS, I am here to help make society information and news available to you as well as help bring your ideas to the AESS Board of Governors.


  • Topic: EPICS
  • Title: An EPICS Adventure in the Brazilian Amazon – EPICS in IEEE and CELCOM project as a case study.
  • Description:
  • Time: 09:00 (GMT -7)
  • Language: PT/ES
  • Country: Brazil
      • Position: .
  • Speaker: Brenda


Biography: Brenda Vilas Boas is pursuing PhD studies in electrical engineering in the area of wireless communication at TU Ilmenau in partnership with Nokia Bell Labs, Germany. She completed her master’s and bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering at Federal University of Para (UFPA).

From 2016 to 2018, Brenda was COO of the Community Cellular Telephony (CELCOM) project together with the Telecommunications, Automation and Electronics Research and Development Center (LASSE/UFPA).

She has participated in mobility academic programs in Canada and Spain.

Brenda has been a volunteer of IEEE since 2015 and is currently advisor of the IEEE WIE UFPA student affinity group. In 2019, she was awarded the IEEE R9 Student and Young Professional Activities Prominent Supporter award due to her engagement and support to student’s and YP’s activities.

  • Topic: SIGHT/HAC
  • Title: Be a Change Maker! – Humanitarian Technology to Achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Description:
  • Time: 09:30 (GMT -7)
  • Language: ES/PT
  • Country: Argentina
      • Position: .
  • Speaker: Pia Torres


Biography: Ingeniera Electrónica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnología de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina. Diploma en Gestión de Proyectos (PMI-PMBOK) ® de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Participante del Programa “WISE” (Mujeres Emprendiendo en STEM), del IAE-Austral Business School & BID. Participante del “Programa de Capacitación de Líderes Energéticos” – Capítulo Argentino del Consejo Mundial de Energía (CACME-WEC). Experta en gestión de proyectos de optimización de procesos, eficiencia energética, producción y O&M en varias industrias: Oil & Gas, Nuclear, Food & Beverage, Energy, IT, etc. Docente de Project Management, Emprendimiento e Innovación en la Universidad Favaloro, Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. PMO en FK Tech. Mentora de Emprendedores y Consultora Independiente de Proyectos en Ingeniería Humanitaria, Impacto Social y Sustentabilidad. Promotora de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU. Chair de la Comunidad de Liderazgo Femenino de PMI, Capítulo Buenos Aires. Past-Chair de IEEE Women in Engineering Argentina e IEEE Young Professionals Argentina. IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee Projects Support & Oversight Ad-Hoc Committee Chair. IEEE Region 9  Humanitarian Activities Committee Events Lead. IEEE Industry Applications Society Equity Diversity & Inclusion Standing Committee Chair. Fundadora y Directora de Roboteam, iniciativa gratuita que fomenta el interés en STEM en chicas y chicos. Ganadora del IEEE Women in Engineering Inspiring Member Award 2019. Reconocida como una de las «Distinguished Latinas in Computing» en Grace Hopper Celebration (la conferencia más grande del mundo de mujeres en Tecnología). Seleccionada como una de los 10 Jóvenes Sobresalientes de la República Argentina del Programa JCI TOYP Argentina (Ten Outstanding Young Persons)


wait for more

During the day the rest of the speakers will be update