The main objective of an Affinity Group is the union and collaboration of people who have a common ideal. The development of projects and activities related to the theme of the Affinity Group is an excellent way to make the institutionโs purposes reach the community!
Exemplary Student Affinity Group will be considered those who demonstrate that they have good management of the institutionโs internal and external resources and, mainly, effectively promote the theme of their affinity group through projects and activities. In addition, groups must have quality documentation, which can be used for the continuity of the groupโs culture and dissemination of knowledge of good practices and ideas.
The winners will be awarded the prize of:
- First place: US $ 100.00 + Certificate of recognition;
- Second place: US $ 50.00 + Certificate of recognition;
- Third place: Certificate of recognition;
August 7th, 2023 at 23:59 hs. (GMT -8)
- Chairs and advisors should be reported vTools Officer Reporting;
- Items that are not in the template made available by the contest organizing commission will not be accepted;
- The letters of recommendation should be sent in pdf and should not have more than one page;
- Additional documents must be sent through links (make sure these links will be accessible);
- All documents must be named as: [Name of the Organizational Unit] Name of the document. Example: [WIE UFPB] Eligibility criteria;
- After the deadline, the documents can no longer be modified. The documents that present nonconformities will lose points according to the proportion of that nonconformity.
Need help? Contact with:
Carina Blasco
Paraguay, Awards and Contests Coordinator
Alejandra Orellana
Ecuador, Awards and Contests Coordinator