IEEE Region 7 Student Activities Committee (SAC) is the IEEE student committee located in Canada, responsible for student programs and benefits. The SAC team consists of IEEE Volunteers who represent the voice of thousands of IEEE Student members. They constantly make recommendations to IEEE Region 7 and the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Board. The goal and mission of the SAC team is to help and train student branches across Canada, organize national and international competitions, conduct events and activities for IEEE student members and connect them to professionals in academia and industry. 

The Region 7 Student Activities Committee (SAC) consists of the Regional Student Activities Chair (RSAC), Vice RSAC, Regional Student Representative (RSR), Vice RSR, Area West SAC Representative (AWSR), Area Central SAC Representative (ACSR), Area East SAC Representative (AESR), Past Regional Student Activities Chair (Past RSAC), Webmaster and an Executive member. These volunteer members:

  • help organize Canada-wide student activities,
  • provide resources and training for student branch leaders,
  • encourage collaborations between student branches,
  • strengthen the relationships between student branches and all other IEEE entities, and
  • plan the region’s annual Student Congress.

Usman Munawar

SAC Chair

Chayanika Awasthi

SAC Vice Chair

Aljoharah Alabdullatif

RSR (East)

Kristina Cormier

Asst. RSR (West)

Sana Sharif

Asst. RSR (Central)
Niousha Ghorbani

Niousha Ghorbani

Website Sub-Committee Chair
Saida Maaroufi

Saida Maaroufi

Past Chair, SAC
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