IEEE Canada George Armitage Outstanding Student Branch Award
IEEE Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Activities Award
IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor and Branch Chapter Advisor Award
IEEE Canadian Foundation Scholarship
Congratulations to our 2023 IEEE Canadian Foundation (ICF) Scholarship Winners!
Manjeet Kumar Conestoga College – West Area.
Kareem El Assad Carleton University – East Area.
Riki Romana University of Ottawa – East Area
Ahmed Khan University of Saskatchewan – West Area.
❖ IEEE Canadian Foundation Power Quality Scholarship
Darren Paetz University of Alberta – West Area.
❖ Gargantini-Strybosch Scholarship
Aziz Rakhimov University of British Columbia Okanagan – West Area.
❖ IEEE Canada Vehicular Technologies Travel Grant
Mobeen Mahmood McGill University (East Area) to present “Spherical-Array-Based Joint Beamforming and UAV Positioning in Massive MIMO Systems” at IEEE 2023 VTC-Spring.
❖ IEEE Canadian Foundation Special Grants
Western University (Central Area): Sunstang Solar Multi-occupant Car Project
Memorial University (East Area): Autonomous Vehicle: Participation in the IGVC Competition
University of Ottawa (Central Area): Kelpie Robotics – Underwater ROV Competition
Polytechnique Montréal (Central Area): “Digital Identity Management” Workshop
Memorial University (Central Area): Memorial Baja Racing Competition
Memorial University (Central Area): F-MUN-Tenth Scale Autonomous Vehicle Competition
University of Waterloo (Central Area): Midnight Sun Solar Rayce Car Competition
Carleton University (East Area): Youth on The Air Amateur Radio Camp