Accepted Special Sessions:
Manuscripts submitted to special sessions should be done through the paper submission system of IEEE R10 HTC 2018 as similar to the regular papers. The manuscript submitted to special sessions must be formatted as similar to the regular papers using the given template. The authors have to select the special session topic as the track during the submission. All papers submitted to special sessions will be subject to the same peer-review procedure as the regular papers. Special sessions having fewer than four accepted papers would be combined with another ones with similar topic or would be cancelled and the accepted papers would be moved to regular sessions. Papers submitted to these special sessions (if accepted and presented) will be published in the conference proceedings without any discrimination between regular submissions and special session submissions.
SS01 | Service Robots with Human-like Capabilities | Read More.. |
SS02 | Cryptocurrencies Security and Privacy | Read More.. |
SS03 | Humanitarian Demining | Read More.. |
SS04 | Integrated Information Systems for Disaster Forecasting and Management | Read More.. |