IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference 2018
Sustainable Technologies for Humanity

Workshop Proposals

Humanitarian Technology Conference of is one of the premier conferences of IEEE R-10. It intends to create a platform for researchers, technologists, engineers, scientists, investors, representatives from NGOs, government officials, academia and the industry personnel to come together, share their experiences and interact closely with each other to identify, create and advance technology for the benefit of the humanity

This year’s conference HTC 2018, organized and host by IEEE Sri Lanka Section, will be held in Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Colombo from December 6-8, 2018. The theme of this year is chosen to be “Sustainable Technologies for Humanity” in order also to draw special attention to the societal expectation on humanitarian technologies’ ability to provide practical and lasting solutions in this year’s proceedings. The technologies which support humanitarian aspects of health care, social welfare, poverty alleviation, education, disaster management, sustainability and environment, food and agriculture etc. are at the focus of the conference.

All enthusiastic parties are invited to submit a proposal for a workshop aligned with the mission and the objectives of the conference on or before 30th March 2018 (Extended Deadline) to

Open – 30th of Feb 2018
Deadline – 15th of March 2018 30th March 2018 
Acceptance – 30th of March 2018 15th of April 2018 

Please follow the format given below:


  • Applicant’s Name
  • Applicant’s Email Address
  • Contact number
  • IEEE member? (Y/N)
    • IEEE Membership Number
    • IEEE Section
  • Institute
  • Country


Please list all organizers, with the contact person at top.
For each person, please provide: name, email, affiliation, URL, and career state [PhD student | post-doc | professor | industry | …]


  • Workshop Title
  • Duration (specify full day | half day)
  • How best would you describe your workshop? * (max 100 words)
  • Impact to the Society and the target audience * (max 200 words)
  • Scientific Goals ― (max 200 words)
    Please describe the goals you pursue by organizing this workshop. Include a description of the urgency or need that you are addressing with the workshop. Please consider that the format of the workshops should be well-suited with the theme of the conference.
  • Initial budget of the workshop
  • Participation (max. 100 words)
    Please describe how you will ask for participation in your workshop.
  • Possible sponsors
    Please highlight your connections with the sponsors and past activities you have collaborated with them.


  • Please specify the structure of the workshop with the tentative time schedule. (e.g. invited speakers, solicited contributions, talks, discussion session, panel discussion, break-out sessions, demos, hands on sessions, competitions …).
  • Please provide details, such as the affiliation of invited speakers and their status (e.g. tentative, confirmed …).
  • For each component of your program, if appropriate, please explain how it will contribute to achieving the scientific goals of the workshop and how well it delivers the conference objectives.

Related Events

  • Please provide details of the past workshops organized or tutorial session conducted or any relevant experience of the proposers (main contact person) over the last five years.
    • Title
    • Venue
    • Date
    • URL for workshops (if available)
  • Please provide details of the five latest past workshops organized or tutorial session conducted or any relevant experience of the rest of organizers listed above
    • Title
    • Venue
    • Date
    • URL for workshops (if available)
  • Please provide details of the resource persons involved.
    • Name
    • Position/ Job title
    • Affiliation
    • URL for workshops (if available)


Please indicate the estimated equipment need (e.g. power requirements, internet, PCs or laptops …).

Any other comments


Download Call for Workshop Proposals Flyer