Hour of Code is a global movement reaching millions of students in 180+ countries brought to you by Code.org, a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools. The team at Code.org has a vision that every student is given the opportunity to learn computer science. With the goal of broadening participation in the field of computer science, this movement has become a worldwide effort to celebrate technology.
Every year, Rob Roy’s Innevation Center hosts hundreds of students at our annual Hour of Code event. This year we will be hosting over 130 students over a two day span. With that being said, we need volunteers! There are two different volunteer sessions available and we can’t wait to see you there!
Volunteer Sessions:
Session 1: Monday, December 2nd – 9:00am-12:00pm | Click here to sign up!
Session 2: Tuesday, December 3rd – 9:00am-12:00pm | Click here to sign up!