
For those of you not familiar with the IEEE, the following provides some additional information:

  • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is an international, non-profit, professional organization “for the advancement of technology related to electricity.”
  • The IEEE was founded in 1963 by a merger of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE, founded in 1912) and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE, founded in 1884.) Alexander Graham Bell was a notable president of the AIEE from 1891 – 1892. Another notable member was Thomas Edison.
  • IEEE is the world’s largest professional association with some 400,000 members worldwide and it provides access to the industry’s most essential technical information, networking opportunities, career development tools, and many other exclusive benefits.
  • Most IEEE members are electrical engineers, computer engineers, and computer scientists, but there are many other disciplines represented.
  • IEEE is one of the leading standards-making organizations in the world. You may be familiar with the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN group of standards which includes the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard and the IEEE 802.11 Wireless Network standards.
  • IEEE provides a wide range of quality publications that make the exchange of technical knowledge and information possible among technology professionals. This essential content, categorized below, is delivered through the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.
  • You can find more information about IEEE at IEEE International.

The Las Vegas Section has three active sections: Computer Society, Industrial Applications Society, Power & Energy Society, and a Student Chapter at UNLV.

  • The IEEE Computer Society is a professional association chartered in 1971 “to advance the theory, practice, and applications of computer and information science and technology.” The Computer Society organizes workshops and conferences, publishes peer-reviewed literature, and operates specialty-discipline committees, The Computer Society also participates in educational activities at all levels of the profession, including distance learning, accreditation of higher education programs in computer science, and professional certification in software engineering. The Computer Society developed and maintains the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), and has developed and administers two professional certification programs that conform to SWEBOK – the Certified Software Development Professional and the Certified Software Development Associate. The Computer Society is the largest of the IEEE societies and has some 85,000 members worldwide. The history of the Computer Society traces back to the AIEE Subcommittee on Large-Scale Computing established in 1946, and the Technical Committee on Electronic Computers established in 1948 with the IRE becoming the IEEE Computer Group when the IEEE was formed, and then becoming the IEEE Computer Society in 1971.
  • The scope of the Industry Applications Society is the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical and electronic engineering in the development, design, manufacture and application of electrical systems, apparatus, devices, and controls to the processes and equipment of industry and commerce; the promotion of safe, reliable, and economic installations; industry leadership in energy conservation and environmental, health, and safety issues; the creation of voluntary engineering standards and recommended practices; and the professional development of its membership.
  • The Power and Energy Society focuses on the planning, research, development, design, application, construction, installation and operation of apparatus, equipment, structures, materials and systems for the safe, reliable and economic generation, transmission, and the distribution, conversion, measurement and control of electric energy. It includes the developing of engineering standards, the providing of information and instruction to the public and to legislators, as well as technical, scientific, literary, educational and other activities that contribute to the electric power discipline or utilize the techniques or products within this discipline.

In the Las Vegas area the Industry Applications Society generally has a luncheon meeting once a month from September through May, the Power and Engineering Society and the Computer Society meet sporadically, and the Las Vegas Section of IEEE meets at various times throughout the year.

We also have a student chapter at UNLV, and are working to establish student chapters at Asher College and at the College of Southern Nevada (CSN).

If you are interested, more information can be found at IEEE International, at Las Vegas Computer Society Chapter, at Las Vegas Industrial Applications Society Chapter, at Las Vegas Power & Energy Society Chapter and at IEEE UNLV Student Chapter.

Please note that our websites are currently undergoing renovation and may not all be up to date or fully operational.

You can also contact me at mdamron@yahoo.com or at 702-743-5546 (please leave a message as I do not answer calls from unknown numbers).