Future Mobility and Robotics applications seminar 2023 – The Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar started

The traditional chapter yearly seminar will be organized in Dipoli / Palaver, Aalto University, Espoo, on Friday 17.11.2023, 1PM – 5PM. To address the trends in smart mobility and robotics, AI , the theme this year is ‘Smart mobility and robotics applications‘. The half-day seminar will have keynote presentations and talks from companies and researchers, as well as a panel discussion. The event serves to bring the Finnish community of researchers, professionals and students around mobility, robotics and its related fields, together, and typically attracts around 100 participants.

The Registration is free, but mandatory and can be done on the link HERE

Tentative program of the seminar is as follows:
Place: Aalto University Espoo, Otaniemi, building Dipoli, meeting room Palaver

12:00 – 13:00 – Joint lunch with Chapter officers, members and guests (Fazer restaurant Dipoli)

13:00 – 13:10 – Dr. Yancho Todorov, VTT, Opening of the seminar

13:10 – 13:50 – Risto Ojala, Kari Tammi, Aalto University, Perception solutions for enabling automated driving in winter conditions.

13:50 – 14.30 – Yancho Todorov, VTT, Digital piloting for city logistics: An approach to accelerate the green transition

14:30 – 15:00 – Coffee break

15:00 – 15:40 – Markku Suomalainen, VTT, Intelligent Robotics in Manufacturing

15:40 – 16:20 – Dominic Bauman, Aalto University, Wireless control of cyber-physical systems

16:20 – Panel discussion and closing words, Pasi Hurri, BaseN

IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and System, Man and Cybernetics Society (http://sites.ieee.org/finland-csrasmc/)
Officers: Dr Yancho Todorov, Prof. Tomasz Kucner, Dr. Houari Bettahar, Prof. Simo Särkkä, Pasi Hurri, Prof. Heikki Ailisto
Contact: Dr. Yancho Todorov, chair of the IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of CSS, RAS and SMCS; Email: yancho.todorov@vtt.fi