What’s the Latest on Voter Security? March 11, 2019
Come to the March Consultants Network meeting to learn more about Voter Security. We are delighted to host Christina Worrell Adkins who is the Legal Director in the Elections Division at the Office of the Secretary of State. Her background is most impressive.
We are so excited that this will be a joint meeting with IEEE CVT Dallas Chapter!!!!!
Hope to see you in March!
Date: Monday, March 11, 2019 6: 15PM
Speaker: Christina Worrell Adkins, Legal Director, Elections Division; Office of the Secretary of State
Topic: Voter Security
Program Description: Voting security is an area that interests many people because of recent applications of technology in voting. Listen to an expert discuss election technology issues.
BIO: Christina Worrell Adkins is the Legal Director for the Elections Division of the Texas Secretary of State. In her position with the Texas Secretary of State, Ms. Adkins has served as one of the state’s appointed voting systems examiners and has worked extensively with election technology issues including developing standards and training election officials. She has practiced in both civil and criminal law and has previously worked for the Texas Workforce Commission and as the assistant to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Ms. Adkins graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in English and Mexican-American Studies. She received her juris doctorate from Southern Methodist University in 2008.