Link to Register for EVENT – https://events.vtools.ieee.org/event/register/302855
Location – Rusty’s Pizza, 5934 Calle Real, Goleta, CA 93117
6:00 PM – Complimentary Pizza, Salad, Beverage
6:25 PM – Central Coast Status
6:30 PM – UCSB Physics Circus Presentation
Greetings, We are finally returning to our Pre-COVID Pizza Events at Rusty’s. Please join us for our 2022 Premiere Event featuring the UCSB Physics Circus presented by Distinguished Professor Jean Carlson, Faculty Sponsor and Graduate Student George Hulsey, Program Coordinator. They will explain various laws of physics with fun demonstrations.
Best regards, Ruth Franklin, IEEE Central Coast Chair
“Fun, Informative Electricity and Other Physics Demos” (Bring the kids!)
Preview: For decades the Physics Circus has been a wonderful opportunity for UCSB students to creatively express anything that animates them about physics. Members of the Physics Circus share their joy of physics with those curious about underlying principles of physical phenomena.
Dr. Carlson: Faculty Sponsor for the UCSB Physics Circus
Dr. Jean Carlson is a Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara and an External Faculty Member at both the Santa Fe Institute for Complex Systems and the B. John Garrick Institute for the Risk Sciences (UCLA). She obtained her BSE from Princeton in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and her PhD in Physics from Cornell. Her research focuses on fundamental principles underlying complexity in natural and technological systems. Carlson’s group is unique in the breadth of applications studied, which includes brains, bones, the immune system, the microbiome, communication and transportation systems, and natural disasters. What ties these projects together is development and application of a coherent underlying systems theory, emphasizing identification of mechanisms and cause and effect relationships, tradeoffs involving robustness and fragility, and constraints and limitations based on inherent uncertainties, all amidst a complex, dynamic environment. Carlson is the founding faculty member and faculty sponsor for the UCSB Physics Circus K-12 Outreach Program, which has been serving the Santa Barbara community for over 20 years,
George Hulsey, Program Coordinator UCSB Physics Circus
George Hulsey is a graduate student in Physics at UCSB. He is the Program Coordinator for the UCSB Physics Circus. His research is in novel numerical approaches to problems in quantum mechanics. He enjoys cooking, mountain biking, playing guitar, skiing, and spending time on the beach with his little dog Leia.
Here are a few example demos from the group’s Web page:
– Static electricity [1-minute video]
– Magnetism [1-minute video]
– Sound waves [2-minute video]
– Air pressure [3-minute video]
– Liquid nitrogen [1-minute video]