IEEE PDF eXpress
Papers must be compatible with IEEE Xplore format. Papers that not fit with the format cannot be published in IEEE Xplore. To meet this requirement authors should verify the files using the IEEE PDF eXpress system.
IEEE PDF eXpress can generate compatible PDF files with IEEE format from the source files (Conversion Function) or verify that the PDF files are compatible with the IEEE Xplore format (PDF Check function).
The steps are:
1. Access the website of IEEE PDF eXpress:
2. Enter the conference ID: 43514X
3. If you do not have an account select “New Users – Click Here” and follow the steps to register. Otherwise, sign in with your email address and password.
4. Select “Create New Title” for every contribution ARGENCON.
5. Among the data that identify their work and select “Submit File for Checking or Converting”.
6. Select “Browse” and find the file. The selected file may be a PDF for compatibility or file in another format to be converted to PDF. For more details go to the website
7. Select “Upload File”. You will receive confirmation that the load was successful through an email.
8. You will receive an email with your new PDF file, PDF verified or converted by the IEEE PDF eXpress system. If a PDF file is up to verify, the email will indicate whether it passed or failed.
9. Once verified the paper and approved by the tool, you must remove the authors and institutions. This must be done to allow the double-blind review and upload it to the EasyChair platform.
Once you finished with the IEEE PDF eXpress proceeding, to submit your manuscript go to the following address:
NOTE: you must select the track corresponding to the area of your contribution. It should also indicate whether it is a regular paper or a student paper.