Link to video of presentation: Graph Signal Processing for Analyzing Data from Interconnected Systems, by Dr. Mia Naeini

Dr. Mia Naeini, Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering at the University of South Florida, joined us at Albuquerque IEEE WIE public as our Key Speaker on March 22, 2023.

Dr. Naeini discussed the topic “Graph Signal Processing for Analyzing Data from Interconnected Systems.” The talk is now available online.

The Albuquerque Section and the Women in Engineering Affinity group hope you enjoy the presentation.

Thank you!

2023 IEEE Albuquerque Section Awards – open for nominations

Greetings Albuquerque Section Members,

Each year, the IEEE Albuquerque Section, in collaboration with the University of New Mexico Sigma Xi Chapter, recognizes the achievements of its membership and others who serve the science and engineering community.

This year’s awards will be presented at the annual joint IEEE – Sigma Xi ceremony on May 15, 2023. Nominations are now open for the following IEEE awards:

  • Outstanding K-12 STEM Educator
  • Outstanding Engineering Educator
  • Outstanding Young Engineer
  • Outstanding Engineer
  • Outstanding Entrepreneur
  • Outstanding Corporate Service
  • Outstanding Undergraduate Engineering Student
  • Outstanding Graduate Engineering Student
  • Outstanding Service
  • Outstanding Humanitarian Service

Additionally, nominations are open for the following awards from the UNM branch of the Sigma Xi honor society:

  • Noteworthy Technical Support Person
  • Superior Undergraduate Student
  • Excellence in Graduate Research

All forms are included in this email and will be made available at the Section website.

Nominations will be accepted until March 31st, 2023and recipients will be notified by April 21st. I encourage you to nominate an exceptional student, teacher, colleague, intern, mentor, or co-worker. Please feel free to forward and share the attached flyer as well.

Download the forms here:

UNM Student Branch @ Raising Stars and CES 2023

Members of the UNM IEEE Student Branch attended the Raising Stars 2023 conference and the CES 2023 in Las Vegas. Here is a presentation covering their attendance to both events as well as their plans for the year.

The IEEE Albuquerque Section extends its congratulations to the students attending these events and encourages all EE students to join ad participate in the UNM Student Branch.

The New Mexico Tech Student Branch Holds Drone Lab and Competition

NMT IEEE recently held a Drone Lab, where members were given the opportunity to build, modify and compete with their own racing drones. We had two events – a race and an accuracy competition. At the end of the night, the member with the highest combined score in these events got to take home their drone. All members seemed to have a great time, and NMT IEEE looks forward to hosting another similar lab next semester, potentially with even more drones.

NMT IEEE is also thankful to both the Albuquerque section for their continual support, and the NMT Student Government Association for helping fund this event.

Xander Jones (NMT IEEE Chair) 

Sandia LabNews publishes profile of distinguished IEEE Albuquerque Section member Ray Byrne

The November 3rd edition of Sandia LabNews published a profile of our friend, IEEE Fellow, past Section Chair, and forever board member Ray Byrne.

Please join us in congratulating Ray for this recognition to his more than 30 years of service to Sandia and our nation.

Here is the link to the publication:



Website editor and past Section Chair

Latest WIE Public Talk available now on YouTube: ”Smart Robots: Solutions for A Real World” by Dr. Lydia Tapia, Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico.

Dear All,

Here is the link for those who have missed or wanted to revisit the talk. The talk is now available online (YouTube and website). Please click the link below. 

Professor Lydia Tapias’ talk –

Thanks and regards


Aisha B. Rahman

Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group Chair

IEEE Albuquerque Section

Albuquerque, NM


Albuquerque IEEE Women in Engineering Public Talk on April 20, 5:30 PM (MT): “”Smart Robots: Solutions for A Real World” by Dr. Lydia Tapia, Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico.

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Lydia Tapia, Associate Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico (UNM), will be our guest speaker at our upcoming Albuquerque IEEE WIE public talk on April 20, 2022, at 5:30 PM (MT).

Dr. Lydia will discuss the topic “Smart Robots: Solutions for A Real World“. Please click here<> for detailed information.

Pre-registration is required. Registration is free and open to the public.

Click to register:

For more information please email Aisha (

Thank you for your time, and we hope to see you on April 20 at 5:30 PM (MT).

Kind regards,


Aisha B. Rahman

Ph.D. Candidate

Performance and Resource Optimization in Networks (PROTON) Lab

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM, 87131


Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group Vice-Chair

IEEE Albuquerque section

Albuquerque, NM


Recording available: “Additive Manufacturing of Affordable, Secure, and Sustainable Housing in Support of A Healthy Global Population” by Dr. Maryam Hojati, Assistant Professor, in Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at the University of New Mexico

Dear All,

Here is the link for those who have missed or wanted to revisit the talk. The talk is now available online (YouTube and website). Please click the link below. 

Albuquerque IEEE WIE Public Talk by Dr. Maryam Hojati

Also, please do not forget to subscribe to our channel! You can check out previous talks from the link below. 

Albuquerque IEEE WIE Affinity Group YouTube Channel

Thank you again for all of your support. 
Best regards,
———————————————-Khandakar Nusrat Islam, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group Chair, IEEE Albuquerque section

Albuquerque IEEE WIE Public Talk: “Towards Widely Deployable Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers for Millimeter-through-THz Frequencies: A Convergent Research Approach” by Dr. Francesca Cavallo, Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico (UNM)

Dear all, 
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Francesca Cavallo, Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico (UNM), will be our guest speaker at an upcoming Albuquerque IEEE WIE public talk on March 30, 2022, at 5:30 PM (MT).

Dr. Francesca will discuss the topic “Towards Widely Deployable Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers for Millimeter-through-THz Frequencies: A Convergent Research Approach”. Please click here for detailed information.

Pre-registration is required. Registration is free and open to the public.

Click to register:

For more information email: Nusrat (

Thank you for your time, and we hope to see you on March 30 at 5:30 PM (MT).

Kind regards,
Khandakar Nusrat Islam, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)
Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group Chair, IEEE Albuquerque section

2022 IEEE Annual Awards Nominations

Greetings Albuquerque Section Members,

Each year, the IEEE Albuquerque Section, in collaboration with the University of New Mexico Sigma Xi Chapter, recognizes the achievements of its membership and others who serve the science and engineering community.

This year’s awards will be presented at the annual joint IEEE – Sigma Xi ceremony on May 16, 2022. Nominations are now open for the following IEEE awards:

·       Outstanding K-12 STEM Educator

·       Outstanding Engineering Educator

·       Outstanding Young Engineer

·       Outstanding Engineer

·       Outstanding Entrepreneur

·       Outstanding Corporate Service

·       Outstanding Undergraduate Engineering Student

·       Outstanding Graduate Engineering Student

·       Outstanding Service

·       Outstanding Humanitarian Service

Additionally, nominations are open for the following awards from the UNM branch of the Sigma Xi honor society:

·       Noteworthy Technical Support Person

·       Superior Undergraduate Student

·       Excellence in Graduate Research

All forms are included at the end of this post.

Nominations will be accepted until March 23st, 2022 and recipients will be notified by April 23rd. I encourage you to nominate an exceptional student, teacher, colleague, intern, mentor, or co-worker. Please feel free to forward and share the attached flyer as well.

To nominate, please use the MS Word nomination documents at the Section website and send your completed nomination package according to the guidelines to:

·       IEEE Section Chair, Lee Rashkin, at:,

·       IEEE Section Vice Chair, Skyler Nix, at:, and

·       Professor Harjit Ahluwalia at:

We look forward to recognizing outstanding members of our IEEE Section.

Best Regards,

Lee Rashkin

Chair, IEEE – Albuquerque Section
