A proposal of two hours tutorial sessions focuses on a specific theme of technologies for humanitarian aspects interest that can attract high-quality submissions. Mainly researchers, technologists, engineers, scientists, investors, representatives from NGOs, government officials, academia and the industry personnel to come together, share their experiences and interact closely with each other to identify, create and advance technology for the benefit of the humanity.
Include the following information:
- Title of the Tutorial
- Significance and timeliness
- Complete contact details and a short bio of the Tutorial organizers
- Planned format for the two hours tutorial sessions with expected paper submission volume
- History of the Tutorials that have been conducted (if applicable)
Target Audience
University Students, Government officials, investors and technologists.
Proposal Submission
Tutorial proposals should be sent to the Tutorial chairs,
Dr. Prabhath Binduhewa – prabathb@ee.pdn.ac.lk
Dr. S. Vasanthapriyan – priyan@appsc.sab.ac.lk