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IEEE Workshop – Rehabilitation Mechatronics

October 28, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm UTC-6

*The following announcement is sent on behalf of Dr. Nariman Sepehri, Chair, IEEE RobConIM – Winnipeg Chapter, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba*


Workshop: RobConIM

IEEE Robotics, Control, Instrumentation and Measurement


Rehabilitation Mechatronics


Place: Zoom Meeting , Meeting ID: 625 1150 2941 , Passcode: 420968, https://umanitoba.zoom.us/j/62511502941?pwd=TjBMQmJCeTJRWkFkUTZLSG1DUkFuZz09


Workshop is free for all. Registration is recommended.


This workshop is motivated by the need for multidisciplinary collaborative research with the objective to design, construct and evaluate innovative, engaging, computer-aided and game-assisted rehabilitation and telemonitoring platforms. The workshop describes the collaborative research that resulted in cost-effective, modular, and portable devices equipped with smart monitoring and assistive technology, to support exercise/therapy regimes designed to promote recovery of voluntary movements of the upper extremity. The approach combines high-effectiveness exercises/activities with computer games, making rehabilitation interactive, engaging, and enjoyable. We will share our experience in connecting researchers with different expertise to develop new platforms to:

  1. increase accessibility to affordable systems that can transition in-patient rehab services to function at home, in community exercise facilities, and in remote communities;
  2. provide automated monitoring tools that inform therapists when and how their clients are performing, whether they are experiencing any difficulty, and how they are progressing in their exercise program.


Workshop Organizers

Nariman Sepehri, PhD, PEng

Chair, IEEE RobConIM – Winnipeg Chapter
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba


Tony Szturm, PhD, PT

Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of Manitoba


Witold Kinsner, PhD, PEng

Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba


Saman Muthukumarana, PhD

Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Manitoba




8:30 am: The Meeting Site is open. Participants can join and meet the presenters

9:00 – 9:05 am:  Welcoming remarks

Nariman Sepehri – Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, U of Manitoba

9:05 – 9:20 am: Importance of rehabilitation and long-term interventions for recovery. Overview and values of, and background on, technology assisted rehabilitation/tele-rehabilitation approaches

Tony Szturm – Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, U of Manitoba

9:20 – 9:35 am: International collaboration:  game-based robotic manipulandum exercise program for young children with cerebral palsy and acquired brain injuries

Sanjay Parmar – Professor, College of Physiotherapy, SDM University (Dharwad, India)

Importance of transfer to communities:  examples of patients receiving help from upper extremity rehabilitation

Andrew Schmidt – Program Lead, Strength & Conditioning Consultant, First Step Wellness Centre (Regina, Canada)

9:35 – 9:50 am: Selection and therapeutic values of common/modern computer video games. Overview of U of Manitoba Repetitive Task Practice (UM-RTP) treatment/assessment game

Tony Szturm – Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, U of Manitoba

9:50 – 10:05 am: Live patient demonstration of U of Manitoba Rehabilitation Manipulandum Device targeting manual dexterity and its compatibility with common/modern computer games

Anuprita Kanitkar – Postdoctoral Fellow, U of Manitoba & First Step Wellness Centre (Winnipeg, Canada)

10:05 – 10:20 am: Retrofitting a commercially-available haptic device for finger-hand rehabilitation and assessment

Michael Olynyk, MSc, Department of Mechanical Engineering, U of Manitoba

10:20 – 10:35 am: Break

10:35 – 10:50 am: Feature demonstration of U of Manitoba fMRI compatible wrist rehabilitation device to study functional brain mapping

Mohsen Khajoee – MSc Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, U of Manitoba

10:50 – 11:05 am: Soft robotics and rehabilitation

Narges Ghobadi; PhD Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, U of Manitoba

11:05 – 11:20 am: Assessments using data

Saman Muthukumarana; Professor, Department of Statistics, U of Manitoba

11:20 – 11:40 am: Cognitive digital twins: towards developing self adapting intelligent rehabilitation devices to provide immediate assistive guidance and support to assimilate the training program more efficiently

Witold Kinsner, Professor, Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, U of Manitoba

11:40 – 11:45 pm: Closing comments

Nariman Sepehri – Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, U of Manitoba

11:45 – 12:30 pm: Site stays open to all  participants for comments, questions and networking

Post Workshop Communications

The attendees are encouraged to continue communication with the speakers and organizers. To facilitate such communication, a ‘Workshop Record’ will be published and posted.


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October 28, 2022
9:00 am - 12:00 pm UTC-6