High Performance Computing (HPC) for Power System Analysis
Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 12:00 noon.
Holiday Inn South, 1330 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg
John Craig Muller P. Eng.
New Research Developments in the application of Simulation Software for Large Scale Studies using Multi-Core and Grid-Based HPC Environments will be shown. Many new research efforts are underway to prove and bring these technologies to the end user.
Speaker Bio:
Craig is the Simulation Development Manager at the Manitoba HVDC Research Centre. He has been designing and developing software systems for PSCAD for 19 years and has been the head of a team of engineers and software specialists that comprise the Development Group for the past 12 years. PSCAD is used worldwide and is recognized as one of the world’s leading tools in Electromagnetic Transient Simulation (EMT).
In the past 2 years he has been working with the University of Manitoba, driving the software technology towards high performance environments where large numbers of processor cores are utilized to achieve dramatic improvements in analysis times for large scale studies.
Cost and Registration:
- Cash bar available at Noon.
- Lunch served at 12:15 PM.
- Meeting concluded at 1:30 PM.
- Cost of the meal (payable at the door).
Early Registration (On or before May 24, 2013)
- IEEE Members – $15.00
- Non-Members – $19.00
Late Registration (After May 24, 2013)
- IEEE Members – $17.00
- Non-Members – $21.00
The IEEE PES Winnipeg Chapter must guarantee a minimum attendance to the hotel, so please take a moment to register early by RSVP to Jieping Shao by Friday Noon, May 24, 2013, in one of the following ways:
- Phone: 360-7347
- Email: JShao@hydro.mb.ca