Distributed Scientific Computing in Computer and Electrical Engineering
Friday, March 1, 2013 at 10:30am
E3-262 EITC Building (Senate Chamber), University of Manitoba Fort Garry Campus
Dr. Ian Jeffrey
University of Manitoba
Computer simulations play an important role when solving engineering problems in any discipline. There are many real-world engineering problems where simulating a design or model is not possible given the memory and processing power of a single computer. Under these circumstances we are forced to seek more efficient ways of solving the original problem, or to increase computational resources. In many cases we must do both.
As a computer engineer whose post-graduate work was focused in the area of computational electromagnetics, I have had the opportunity to work on, or develop from scratch, a number of electromagnetic simulation tools. To be practically useful they have all required the ability to be run in parallel on distributed systems of computers. Writing software for solving electromagnetic problems in parallel draws upon multiple disciplines including computer engineering, electrical engineering, physics, mathematics, and computer science.
In this seminar an array of electromagnetic problems will be introduced and state-of-the-art methods for obtaining their numerical solutions will be discussed. Topics include: capacitance extraction for interconnect layouts; time harmonic electromagnetic solvers; timedomain electromagnetic solvers; subcell models; and microwave imaging. The focus of this seminar, while grounded in computational electromagnetics, will be geared towards distributed parallel computing and the concepts needed in order to solve problems involving millions of unknowns. In this way the subject matter is much broader than electromagnetic simulations.
The seminar will conclude with plans for the future as high performance computing moves from distributed compute clusters to heterogeneous computing environments involving embedded devices.
This will be a free event.
For questions or more information: Lorraine Coates at 474-9099