Smart Grid Developments And Examples from Research
Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 10:30am
E3-262 EITC Building (Senate Chamber), University of Manitoba Fort Garry Campus
Dr. Lina Bertling Tjernberg
Chalmers University of Technology
Professor Bertling will give a brief overview of Smart Grid activities within Europe with examples from Sweden. She will also give an introduction of research activities and show examples on ongoing work, at Chalmers and the Division of Electric Power Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology.
Speaker Bio:
Lina Bertling Tjernberg (S’98-M’02-SM’08) holds the Chair of Professor in Sustainable Electric Power at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. Her research interests are within electric power systems, and current developments towards sustainable smart grid solutions, and specifically the application of probabilistic methods for reliability analysis and modelling and maintenance management.
Dr. Bertling is serving in the board of IEEE Power & Energy Society as Treasurer. She is the Chair of the Swedish PE/PEL Chapter and the IEEE PES Subcommittee on Risk, Reliability and Probability Applications (RRPA). She is a Member of the Swedish Government Coordination Council for smart grid.
This will be a free event.
For questions or more information: Jun Cai 474-6419