

LiDAR Survey Technology and its application in Electrical Transmission Line Engineering


Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 12:00 noon.


Holiday Inn South, 1330 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg


Jim Koop, C.E.T


LiDAR survey technology has been around for almost 2 decades but only in the past 10 years has it become a mainstay for electrical utilities to gather accurate information on their transmission line system. In 2001, Manitoba Hydro created a subsidiary company called W.I.R.E Services, to promote the engineering advantages of LiDAR technology and their acquired experience. Using this technology, W.I.R.E. Services can fully model an existing transmission line with high accuracy and go on to conduct thermal ratings and upgrade engineering. In recent years, NERC has imposed stringent regulations on utilities in the area of vegetation encroachments and thermal ratings on lines in order to reduce and eliminate vegetation caused outages. In this area, LiDAR data can be relied upon to provide accurate data upon which transmission line analysis is performed.

Speaker Bio:

J. E. (Jim) Koop, C.E.T. is the Managing Director of W.I.R.E. Services, a division of Manitoba Hydro International. Jim spent 17 years in the Transmission Design section of Manitoba Hydro and was responsible for design of major transmission line projects from conceptual planning through to construction. In 2001 he undertook the task of developing a new business for Manitoba Hydro based on the electrical industry’s need for LiDAR surveys on transmission lines.

His interest in LiDAR technology began in 1998 when he developed and coordinated a program to verify existing line ratings on Manitoba Hydro lines through the use of LiDAR technology. The program’s success led to the formation of a business relationship with a LiDAR Service provider out of Calgary and the creation of W.I.R.E. Services in 2001. Currently W.I.R.E. Services has 18 staff positions including 5 Professional Engineers and 10 Engineering Technologists providing transmission engineering and thermal rating analysis work.

Mr. Koop graduated from Civil Engineering Technology in 1982 from Red River College. He is a Certified Engineering Technologist in Manitoba as well as a member of IEEE, Power Engineering Society and GITA, Geospatial, Information & Technology Association.

Cost and Registration:

  • Cash bar available at Noon.
  • Lunch served at 12:15 PM.
  • Meeting concluded at 1:30 PM.
  • Cost of the meal (payable at the door).

Early Registration (On or before September 16, 2011)

  • IEEE Members – $15.00
  • Non-Members – $19.00

Late Registration (After September 16, 2011)

  • IEEE Members – $17.00
  • Non-Members – $21.00

The IEEE PES Winnipeg Chapter must guarantee a minimum attendance to the hotel, so please take a moment to register early by RSVP to Shao Jieping by Friday Noon, September 16, 2011, in one of the following ways:



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