Transmission Planning for Future Manitoba and its Challenges – Can Modern Technology Offer Effective Solutions?
Friday, November 19, 2010 from 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Coffee and light refreshments are served in E2-361 from 1:30 P.M.
E3-262 EITC Building (Senate Chambers), University of Manitoba Fort Garry Campus
Dr. Ioni Fernando
Manitoba Hydro
Multi Infeed HVdc configuration, unique Manitoba system topography, extreme climate conditions, geography with remote hydraulic resources, regulatory requirements, system reliability and many more factors have challenged the planning of the BIPOLE III major transmission project.
Lower Nelson River development and HVdc transmission has served Manitoba’s electricity needs to date. Northern hydraulic development continues to look economical while being green for the next generation’s electricity needs and therefore the transmission network needs to expand accordingly. Planning for future transmission expansion is presented with the same and more challenges.
The various considerations that drive the transmission decisions and the major technical issues that challenge future transmission in Manitoba along with the role of modern technology such as Voltage Sourced Converters and Smart grid technologies in finding effective solutions to some of these challenges will be presented.
Many individuals and departments at Manitoba Hydro have contributed to the knowledge concepts and ideas presented in this talk.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Ioni Fernando is currently a planner in the HVdc section of the Manitoba Hydro. Over the last ten years she has been a contributor to the planning process of the Bipole III and various aspects of transmission planning through specialized studies of AC/DC interfacing and control.
Ioni has also been a working group member of the B4-41 Cigre working group that has published a comprehensive Planning guide for Multi-Infeed HVdc systems. She is currently a working group member of the Cigre Joint working Group B5/B4.25, Impact of HVDC Stations on Protection of AC Systems.
She has authored and coauthored a number of publications in areas of HVdc systems, stability, system protection, and electromagnetic transient simulation. Ioni holds a B.Sc (Eng) Degree with first class honours from the University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka and Ph.D. from the University of Manitoba, Canada. She is an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba.
This will be a free event.
For questions or more information: Jun Cai 474-6419