Power System Protection using Transient Signals – Challenges and Potential Solutions
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 12:00 noon.
Holiday Inn South, 1330 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg
Athula Rajapakse, Ph.D
Traditional protection schemes that use Fourier filters to extract fundamental phasor values of currents and voltages have a dead time of one cycle before a change in a signal can be detected. Transient signals that are generated during the faults can be used to develop faster protection solutions that are not adversely affected by CT saturation, power swings, and changes in system fault levels. Despite these advantages, early concepts such as travelling wave based distance protection have suffered from various problems including the bandwidth limitations of sensors and poor reliability, restricting their practical application. Researchers at the University of Manitoba have investigated how some of these issues can be overcome by exploiting the advancements in signal processing, machine learning techniques, and computing power of digital signal processors. This presentation shares some of the research outcomes with particular focus on high speed transient directional protection of transmission lines. Several new applications such as detection of power islands using transient signals and transient directional protection of distribution feeders with embedded generation will also be briefly discussed.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Athula Rajapakse received the B.Sc. (Eng.) degree from the University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, in 1990, the M.Eng. degree from the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in 1998. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Manitoba with research interests in power system protection and integration of renewable generation into distribution grids.
Cost and Registration:
- Cash bar available at Noon.
- Lunch served at 12:15 PM.
- Meeting concluded at 1.30 PM.
- Cost of the meal (payable at the door).
Early Registration (On or before September 17, 2010)
- IEEE Members – $13.00
- Non-Members – $17.00
Late Registration (After September 17, 2010)
- IEEE Members – $15.00
- Non-Members – $19.00
The IEEE PES Winnipeg Chapter must guarantee a minimum attendance to the hotel, so please take a moment to register early by RSVP to Rae Yang by Friday Noon, 11 June 2010, in one of the following ways:
- Phone: 360-4779
- Email: ryang@hydro.mb.ca
- Fax: 360-6177