International Summer School on Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine

The International Summer School on Technologies and Signal Processing in Perinatal Medicine aims to present the issues inherent in the technologies applied to perinatal medicine, specifically intending the period from the third trimester of pregnancy up to one month after birth. Why this choice? Because pregnancy is a critical time for the health of the mother and the fetus, with important risks for both. In particular, early prenatal diagnosis can enable therapeutic interventions in utero or post-partum (or childbirth programming through cesarean section), in order to minimize the risks for the fetus in the short and long term. Starting from the clinical aspects, the necessary diagnostic tools will be identified according to current clinical standards and explaining the operating principle, signal acquisition techniques, signal processing algorithms for the extraction and analysis of information of interest, including automatic interpretation.

The school aims to provide students with an overview of the current instrumentation and techniques, with clear indications and exhaustive presentations on the trends of research in the field, thanks to the major experts in the field, but also and above all to train them on the techniques of signal acquisition, signal processing and machine learning necessary to carry out the research (basic and applied) for the development of medical devices. The practical sessions, the laboratory and some demonstrations will allow the students to experience what they have learned in the theoretical lessons.

In spite of the specificity of the school’s theme, many of the techniques of analysis of the signals shown also adapt to other contexts, thus allowing the students to acquire skills of general use in the biomedical field.


Who should attend? Why?

The school is addressed primarily, but not only, to students, post doc and young researchers in bioengineering, but also in electronics, computer science, physics and mathematics, if interested in bioengineering applications. The topics will be presented in such a way as to be usable even by lower-level students, if any.The first day of the course, mainly clinical, with free admission, can also be followed by students of medical disciplines.

The application requires to provide a CV and a motivation letter, since the priority will be given on the basis of seniority and research activity in the field proposed by the school, in order to maximize the benefit deriving from attendance at the school. Considering the intention to carry out laboratory activities, it is considered necessary to limit the number of attendees to 20, with the possibility of increasing a few units in case of extra requests.

In the context of perinatal diagnostics and monitoring, there are various technological solutions and the scientific research (basic and applied) is focused on the identification of new models, parameters, algorithms and tools that can improve the quality of fetal monitoring, predict the outcomes and allow physicians to intervene in an appropriate manner to ensure a healthy future for the baby. The instrumental approach and the signal processing interpenetrate, and specific advanced competences are required to the professional figures able to operate in this field.

The aim is to train people able to operate in this context, creating product innovation through scientific research.


Opportunity to discuss your research

The school promotes the discussion with the experts of your own research. The largest part of the lecturers will stay for the whole school duration, and will be available to discuss and provide advice. An institutional moment for the presentation of the attendees’ researches is the poster session. The attendees can contribute with one poster per student, and an associated one-page abstract. All the abstracts will be collected in an abstract book that will be distributed to the attendees during the school, including the pictures and short bios of the presenters.

A best poster award will be assigned at the end of the school.

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