The founder of IEEE PES Russia (Siberia) IEEE Life Fellow Professor Nikolay Voropai passed away on February 28
Professor Voropai was outstanding energy scientist, scientific leader of the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
N.I. Voropai was born on November 1, 1943. He gained his Doctor’s degree in Engineering in 1990, full Professor in 1993,
Honorary Scientist of the Russian Federation in 1999, Honorary Power Engineer in 2003, a laureate of the USSR State Prize
in 1986, two prizes of the Russian Government in 1999 and 2011, the G.M. Krzhizhanovsky Prize in 2005 and in 2021, and
the I.M. Gubkin Prize in 2004. He was awarded the Order of Friendship in 2004 and the Order of Honor in 2013.
He worked at the Melentiev ESI SB RAS from 1966 and supervised over 20 PhD students. He served as Director of the Institute from 1997 to 2016. N.I. Voropai was a full member of the Russian Academy of Electrical Engineering Sciences and the International Energy Academy, a member of the Presidium of the Russian Scientific and Engineering Society of Power Engineers and Electrical Engineers, a member of several scientific councils of RAS and SB RAS, a member of the Scientific and Engineering Council of FGC UES and RAS, chairman of the thesis committee of the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS, a member of the technical committee of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), a member of the International Conference on Large Electric Systems CIGRE and a member of other international and Russian organizations. He was the editor-in-chief of the international journal Energy Systems Research and served on editorial boards of prominent Russian and international journals and publishers.
N.I. Voropai was a renowned expert in the field of energy systems research, author and co-author of more than 700 published research contributions. N.I. Voropai identified and investigated the fundamental features of complex extended electric power systems, which allowed to explain many particular phenomena and processes, such as system accidents, on the basis of clear physical representations and to develop theoretical foundations for the analysis and synthesis of structurally heterogeneous power interconnections. This direction is the methodological backbone of research efforts by a school of thought that still leads its field to this day.
Under the leadership of N.I. Voropai, a methodology, mathematical models, and methods for expansion planning of the power industry, power systems, and utilities under multiple decision criteria and divergent interests of the entities of relations were developed. The methodology is unparalleled in the science of power engineering.
N.I. Voropai was one of the first to initiate pioneering research on ensuring the energy security of Russia and its regions. In recent years, he was actively engaged in the issues of smart energy systems.
N.I. Voropai always took an active part in scientific and social life, which was always substantial, useful, and unselfish. In many respects, thanks to him, a team of like-minded people with a healthy and friendly atmosphere was formed. His personal qualities – sincerity, humanity, patience combined with determination, wisdom, and intelligence – are the qualities of a true leader both in the institute and beyond its walls.