Welcome to the web page of IEEE PES Russia (Siberia) Chapter
The Chapter was founded in 1996 by Prof. Voropai, Director of Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Irkutsk). He was heading the Chapter from its foundation till 2001. Originally the Chapter covered entire country. It was named Russia IEEE PES Chapter. However, following IEEE Siberian Section foundation (in Novosibirsk) in 2001, Russia (Siberia) Chapter was separated from Russia IEEE PES Chapter. Parts of Russia IEEE PES Chapter located in European Russia joined Moscow and St.-Petersburg IEEE joint (multi-societal) Chapters. Russia (Siberia) IEEE PES Chapter succeeded Russia IEEE PES Chapter in Eastern Russia and now includes members from this region only. The Chapter belongs to Russia (Siberia) IEEE Section. Also, it belongs to Region 8 by IEEE PES classification. Prof. Palamarchuk was elected as Chair of Russia (Siberia) IEEE PES Chapter in 2001. He was taking over until 2005. Dr. Podkovalnikov served as Chapter’s Chair from 2005 till 2010 followed by Prof. Kurbatsky till 2016. The majority of the Chapter’s members are researchers, though there are lecturers and students. The Chapter won High Performing Chapter Award thrice (in 2000, 2002 and 2005). Three members of the Chapter, Professors Voropai, Gamm and Palamarchuk won Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award (in 2002, 2005 and 2007). Prof. Voropai is currently Chapter Representative for Region 8, Zone East (Eastern Europe). Prof. Denis Sidorov is Chapter Chair since 2017.