Upcoming Program
Thermal Analysis for Thermal Challenges with Heterogeneous Packaging
Date and time
Thursday, Mar. 6 · 11:30am – 1:15pm PST
EAG, 810 Kifer Road, Sunnyvale, CA, 94086
Enter Kifer Road / San Lucar Court: Do not enter at the main entrance on Kifer Road.
Also, consider the following event on Feb 20: OzenCon: Ansys Simulation Conference,
Sponsored by Ozen Engineering
Speaker: Dustin Kendig, Co-Founder and Vice President of Microsanj LLC in Santa Clara, California
In-Person Meeting
Thursday, Mar. 6, 2025
11:30 AM: Networking, Pizza & Drinks
Noon — 1 pm: Seminar
Please register on Eventbrite before 9:30 AM on Thursday, Mar. 6, 2025
Walk-In attendance is welcomed but discouraged
Please assist us in our event planning!
If you decide not to attend… – please cancel reservations by 8:00 AM on Thursday, Mar. 6
With the commercialization of thermoreflectance thermal imaging, Microsanj has met many of the thermal challenges inherent with today’s advanced devices. The thermoreflectance principle exploits the fact that the reflectivity of a material changes with temperature. By measuring the reflectivity change with probing wavelengths in the visible band, this technique supports thermal measurements with diffraction-limited spatial resolution in the sub-micron range and a temporal response in the nanosecond range. New thermal analysis challenges are arising with current trends and advances in heterogeneous packaging techniques. To address these new challenges, Microsanj is developing enhancements and new products. A brief description of these techniques, including optical pump-probe imaging, flash thermography, over-the-air imaging for the analysis of embedded antennas, and other approaches being investigated, will be provided in this presentation.
Read More: Microsanj
If you have questions or problems with your registration, please contact LincolnBourne@gmail.com
* Please help us manage our event planning. When we have many walk-in attendees, it is difficult for us to order the proper amount of food for lunch.
** Tickets canceled by 8 AM on Mar. 6 will have payments refunded*** Note: Eventbrite Fees will not be refunded

When it comes to understanding the physical structure, chemical properties and performance of advanced materials and integrated circuitry, no other scientific services company offers the breadth of experience, diversity of analytical techniques or technical ingenuity of EAG Laboratories. We deliver multi-disciplinary, problem-solving expertise to help our customers accelerate innovation, ensure quality and safety, and protect intellectual property.