Dec. 8th, 2016: Toward realization of a silicon-based qubit system for quantum computing


TITLE: Toward realization of a silicon-based qubit system for quantum computing

Dr. Malcolm Carroll, Principal Investigator for research on quantum computing at Sandia National Laboratories,
Albuquerque, NM

Thursday, Dec. 8th, 2016  11:30 AM – 1:00  pm
Texas Instruments (TI) Auditorium E-1
2900 Semiconductor Drive
Santa Clara, CA map

Admission FREE ($5 donation requested). Please register here.


ABSTRACT (extended here):
A qubit is a unit of quantum information—the fundamental currency of quantum computing, which is predicted to be hugely more efficient for solving problems that are challenging for traditional computers, such as breaking secret codes. This presentation will describe a path to development of a practical qubit design based on silicon CMOS processing technology. The qubit device is an electrostatic silicon quantum dot (QD) with an implanted donor. We demonstrate for the first time coherent two-axis control of a two-electron spin logical qubit that evolves under QD-donor exchange interaction as well as interaction with the donor nucleus, with decoherence as good as that of competing systems.





SPEAKER BIOGRAPHY (extended here):
Malcolm Carroll is the Principal Investigator for research on silicon quantum computing at Sandia National Laboratories, including development of quantum dots, cryoelectronics and quantum error correction schemes for future quantum circuitry. In 2001 he received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University and joined Bell Labs/Lucent Technologies at Murray Hill, NJ. In 2003 and 2006 he became a senior and then principal member of the technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories. Dr. Carroll was a Fulbright Fellow and has been an author on over 50 peer reviewed articles and 3 patents. He co-founded and is an organizing committee member of the Silicon Quantum Computing Workshop series and is an external advisor for the Australian Centre for Quantum Computing Technology.



  • 11:30 am – Registration & light lunch (pizza & drinks)
  • Noon – Presentation & Questions/Answers
  • 1:00 pm – Adjourn
COST: FREE, but a $5 donation is requested to help cover the cost of lunch


Please register here.