IEEE Seoul Section
IEEE 서울섹션은 1976년 2월에 설립되어 2016년 40주년을 맞이하였습니다. IEEE 서울섹션은 전세계 전기전자분야 최대 학회인 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 아시아지역 Region 10의 지회로서 서울특별시, 경기도, 강원도 지역의 IEEE 회원들로 구성되어, Section 산하 26개의 Technical Chapter와 1개의 WIE Affinity Group, 그리고 16개 대학의 Student Branch가 구성되어 3,000여명의 회원 여러분의 IEEE 관련 권익을 위해 일하고 있습니다.
IEEE 서울섹션은 회원님들의 목소리에 항상 귀 기울이겠습니다. 회원님께서도 Technical Chapter를 통해 IEEE 학술 활동과 Professional Network에 적극적으로 참여하여 주시고, 매년 시행되는 IEEE 임원선거에도 적극적인 참여를 부탁드립니다.
The IEEE Seoul Section was established in February 26, 1976 and celebrated its 40 year anniversary in 2016. As a member of the geographical body of the IEEE Region 10, it covers a geographic region of Seoul metropolitan area including Kyungkido and Kangwondo provinces. The Seoul Section comprising of an Executive Committee, 26 Technical Chapters, 1 Affinity Group (WIE), and 16 Student Branches, tries to help more than 3,000 IEEE members with IEEE-related matters.
We will listen to your voice and will consider your benefit of IEEE first!
The IEEE Seoul Section will hold the spirit of the IEEE and align section objectives to the working plans of R10. The section has several active plans for the year of 2016. Some of work items are listed below.
- Encourage academia-industry cooperation by Metropolitan Area Workshop
- Increase retention rate by promoting new industry memberships
- Promote student branch activities such as IEEE Day
- Promote membership elevation to higher memberships
- Support technical activities for chapters in Seoul Section
- Strengthen member service for all section members through website by providing appropriate contents without visiting IEEE main-page
- Publish section newsletter to communicate with other members in the section.
- Collaborate more closely with other academic societies of Korea including IEIE (IEEK), KICS, KISS, KIEES, KIISE and KOSBE.