You are invited to attend our Upcoming Meetings!
The MEMS and Sensors Chapter provides a forum for networking, learning and exchanging ideas in a welcoming professional environment. Our Chapter represents a Joint Sections Chapter of the IEEE Sensors Council (SEN-39) in the Santa Clara Valley (Parent), San Francisco, and Oakland-East Bay Sections.
Subscribe: Please send an email to listserv@listserv.ieee.org with the following information in the BODY:
subscribe SFBA-MEMS FirstName LastName
(e.g., subscribe SFBA-MEMS John Doe)
- The Chapter conducts monthly meetings with invited talks by experts from industries and academia.
- The meetings are open to both IEEE members and non-members.
- The activities are run by volunteers.
- The Chapter aims to increase IEEE awareness and IEEE membership.
Topics: Multi-disciplinary coverage of topics including:
- MEMS and sensor design, modeling, simulation, analysis, materials, processes, characterization, packaging, testing and reliability.
- MEMS and sensor sub-fields including mechanical sensors, acoustic MEMS, RF MEMS, optical MEMS, bioMEMS and microfluidics.
- MEMS and sensor applications in automotive, aerospace, biomedical/healthcare, consumer, environmental monitoring, internet of things (IoT), industrial automation, robotics, telecommunications, etc.