Dr Shobha K R
Student Branch Councillor, COMSOC Chapter AdvisorDr shobha K R has around 24 years of teaching experience and 15 years of research experience. Her research areas include Mobile Adhoc Networks, IoT, Machine Learning and Cloud Computing. She has several publications in reputed Journals and conferences to her credit. She is a Senior IEEE Member who served as a treasurer and Secretary of IEEE Sensor Council during the recent past, Currently she is an execom member of WIE and IEEE Communication Society, Bengaluru Section. She is also an active member IETE, ISoc and IAENG.

Dr Annapurna P Patil
IEEE RITB Student branch AdvisorDr. Annapurna P Patil is working as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore-54, since April 1998. She also holds an administrative position as Chief Proctor at the college level. She is a Senior IEEE member, LMCSI, LMISTE, Member ACM, Faculty Advisor of IEEE WIE at the Ramaiah Institute of Technology.
She has published several papers in various National and International conferences and reputed Journals. She has also participated as Speaker, Reviewer, and as a Session Chair in multiple conferences both at the National and International Level.
Dr. Patil is involved in Collaborative works with Industries like CISCO, IBM, HPE, Nihon Communications Ltd, Samsung, Bangalore, in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, Wireless networks, Cognitive Computing, IoT, and Cloud.
Presently she has several research scholars, graduate and undergrad students working under her guidance in the field of Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and AdHoc networks. She is a passionate Teacher and a Learner and very enthusiastic about contributing to society at large.
She is involved in community service activities as a part of the IEEE WIE affinity group, conducting workshops on ICT for school girls and seminars on the general wellbeing of women. She served as the chair of IEEE WIE, Bangalore Section, 2018.

S Sethu Selvi
Signal Processing Society Chapter AdvisorDr. S Sethu Selvi received her Ph.D. in Image Processing from Indian Institute of Science in 2001. She has published many research papers in International Conferences and Journals. She is a member of IETE. She has guided many M.Tech students and is guiding PhD scholars. She is the awardee of Marquis Whos Who (World) in the year 2009. Her areas of interest are Image Processing, Video Processing, Video Analytics, Biometrics and Forensics.

IEEE WIE RITB - FACULTY ADVISORDr. Prabha Ravi works as faculty in the Medical Electronics Department of M.S.Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore. Has about 19 years of teaching experience. Areas of Interest are: Technology Management, Medical Imaging, Biomedical Instrumentation and Biomedical Signal Processing and Healthcare Technology. The educational qualifications include:
o PhD (Medical Imaging) Annamalai University
o MBA (Finance & HR ) Annamalai University
o M Sc. (Scientific Instrumentation) Manchester Metropolitan University ,U.K
o B.E. (Electronics & Instrumentation) Annamalai University
Been a Professional member of
IEEE WIE with active participation & organisation of events of IEEE at RIT as well as Bangalore Section.

Dr. Sridhar. S
Advisor PESDoctorate in Electrical Engineering from VTU.
17 years of teaching experience for UG and PG teaching
Published over 26 technical papers in International and National Journals & Conferences
Life Member of Condition Monitoring Society of India
Advisor, IEEE-PES MSRIT students chapter