If you love coding here’s the competition that you have to take up…..!!
Get set code!…..

ROUND 1: This will be the filtering round where the participants will have to solve a set of
20MCQ’s and 5 code snippets in 30 minutes. Each questions carry different amount of marks.
There will be no negative marking. For code snippets no partial marks will be allocated. Top 20
teams will be selected for round 2.
ROUND 2: The second round will be for a time period of 45 minutes where various questions
will be given. Some of the questions can be simple decryption questions while other questions
can be code snippets. Participants need to solve as many questions as they can. The final answer
to each question will be a clue, all clues’ lead to a certain word which the participants must
figure out and show to a volunteer. Only 3incorrect attempts are allowed. First 6 teams to figure
out the word will be selected for round 3. In case there are less than 6 teams, the teams with the
most number of correct clues will advance to the next round.
ROUND 3: This will be a battle against the clock as participants will be given 50questions and
they have to code as many questions as they can in 30minutes.Each question carries different
marks based on the difficulty which is not known to the participants. Only compiled codes with
correct outputs will be awarded marks, there is no partial marking. The 3 teams with the highest
points will be awarded 1 st , 2nd and 3 rd respectively. Coding is to be done using only C language.
Rules and Regulations
● All teams will be given a set of problems to solve, the exact format will be announced as the
● Teams of upto 2 can participate.
● Only first and second year students can participate.
● All the participants are expected to be seated in the lab.
● Contestants can not bring any notes or text books to the contest room. Blank sheets of paper
and pens will be supplied.
● Each team will be allowed to use only a single computer and must write and test their
programs on that machine.
● The event will have 2 rounds focusing on logical thinking, problem solving ability and coding
● The participants are advised to login 5-10 mins before the start of the event.
● Use of mobiles, smart watches, gadgets and any other electronic gadgets will result in immediate disqualification.
If volunteers find any form of malpractice in the lab, the team will be disqualified.
● Languages allowed-C,C++,Python,Java.
Judging Criteria
● The event consists of 2 rounds.
● Top 20 teams having the highest total scores from round 1 ,shall progress to round 2.
● Team with the most points wins.
● Coordinators’ decision will be final.
Share With Your Friends
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Contact no:-7760530254
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Contact No:- 8095958827
Please don’t violate any rules…” strings_font_family=”font_family:ABeeZee|font_call:ABeeZee”][/ult_animation_block][bsf-info-box icon_size=”32″ title=”Have a Look at Other Events”]
- Biztech Quiz:- A quiz based on women in technology ,business and technology in general. The knowledge about latest developments in technology will be put to test.
- Switch Debate:-A turn coat style debate where participants switch from “to” to “against” a topic.The topic will be related to technology and women in tech. The participant switches side as soon as the judge rings a bell. A war with you alter egos!
- Bridge Modelling :-Participants build a miniature bridge from ice-cream sticks. The bridge will be tested for strength by placing weights on it. The strongest bridge wins!
- Girls’ Code-out:-Competitive coding challenge on Hackerrank. This event is exclusive for women students.
- Ideathon:- Participants submit an abstract a week prior to the event mentioning the tech stack, domain, application, use-cases. Teams will be shortlisted based in this. The selected teams have to present a prototype of their abstract and will be judged based on it.
- Wealth from Waste:-An event directed at sustainability. The event expects participants to use waste products innovatively to build something useful.
- Arduino Affairs:-Glean components in the first two round through series of quizzes and circuit based puzzles. Finally complete your circuit using arduino.