TAGS: AGM 2016

The Annual General Meet for the year 2016 of IEEE MSRIT student Branch was conducted in the Lecture Hall Complex Auditorium of MSRIT. This event was presided upon by Dr N. Sriraam, branch counsellor for IEEE MSRIT student branch, and Dr. Annapurna P. Patil, WIE Mentor.

Rishika Rajan, IEEE MSRIT Chair-2015, addressed the gathering. She highlighted the events conducted by the branch in the preceding year, these included Mini Project Exhibition in association with ROBO-MSR, Web Development Classes conducted by Mudit Saxena, and LATEX workshop. She also congratulated the new EXECOM and shared her words of wisdom.

Dr N. Sriraam then addressed the students. He applauded the outgoing EXECOM and had kind words to say with regard to their tireless efforts to conduct events successfully. He shared his insights into how he would like the following year to be conducted. A basic plan for the upcoming year was put forth. Membership drive initiatives were discussed and the success of the previous year drive was highlighted.

Dr. Annapurna P. Patil, also gave a brief overview of the WIE two day Symposium. She announced the formation of WIE Affinity Group in MSRIT and appreciated all those involved in making this possible. The EXECOM members for the year 2016 were then announced, with Aditya Kalyani as the IEEE MSRIT Student Branch Chair. This was then followed by the felicitation of all the outgoing members with mementoes and certificates of appreciation. A few members spoke about the initiatives they have planned for the upcoming year. Some of which included workshops and seminars.

IEEE MSRIT strives to ensure that 2016 proves an eventful year and we ensure to keep up to the agenda’s proposed. The AGM concluded with the new EXECOM in high spirits to begin work.