
The Intelligent Data Mining and Analysis (IDMA) is an advanced technology in information processing to extract rules and knowledge from large databases systematically and analyze the nonlinear relationship between input and output variables in complex problems or phenomena. Data mining is a mature application in other areas like marketing. It is however relatively recent that the power industry has shown an interest in these techniques. Deep learning, another current hot topic is addressed in this WG.


The activities for the TF include the organization of pane sessions, paper sessions, tutorials, review of industry practices, and review of the state of the art.

Call for participation: 2022-3 Competition on solar generation forecasting

Benchmarking of artificial intelligence methods for solar generation forecasting to address the increasing importance of energy resources forecasting in current and future power and energy systems.

NEW DEADLINE: 15th January 2023

I. Scope and Topics

Energy resource forecasting is increasingly important in current and future power and energy systems. Due to the high uncertainty of generation based on renewable energy sources, which results from their dependence on weather conditions, such as wind speed or solar intensity, the need to develop suitable solutions to deal with such variability increases considerably.

A relevant effort is being put into the development of energy consumption and generation forecasting methods, able to deal with different forecasting circumstances, e.g., the prediction time horizon, the available data, the frequency of data, or even the quality of data measurements. The main conclusion is that different methods are more suitable for different prediction circumstances, and it is not clear that a certain method can outperform all others in all situations.

This competition fosters the benchmarking of artificial intelligence methods for solar generation forecasting. Authors of methods that present the best results in this competition will be invited to present their work.

II. Submission Instructions

The deadline for the results submission has been postponed to 15th January 2023. The participants that already made their submissions are invited to improve their results until the new deadline.

Competition website:

Other competitions:


Luis Gomes, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal (
Zita Vale, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal (
Tiago Pinto, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal (

Supported by the Working Group of Intelligent Data Mining and Analysis (IDMA) and IEEE PES Task Force on Open Data Set.

Supported by IEEE CIS Task Force on ‘Computational Intelligence in the Energy Domain’.

Past Call for participation: Competition on building energy consumption forecasting

The competition will be held during a full business week (14-18 June 2021). Each day of this week participants will be asked to provide their consumption forecasts for the following day.

A Full Year of historical data is already available to enable participants to start building and refining the forecasting models. Please check the competition website for details and register to have access to the first data set:

Authors of methods that present the best results in this competition will be invited as panelists in a dedicated Panel: to take place at the 2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting – 25-29 July 2021 (Virtual Event).

Please contact the organizers for any queries:
Zita Vale, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal (
Hiroyuki Mori, Meiji University, Japan (
Tiago Pinto, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal (
Luis Gomes, Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal (

Consult, Use, Contribute, and Disseminate the Initiative of providing power system professionals with Public Data Sets

The IEEE Working Group (WG) on Intelligent Data Mining and Analysis makes power and energy-related data sets available whenever confidentiality and data property issues do not prevent their public use.
These data are intended to be used by researchers and other professionals working in power and energy-related areas and requiring data for design, development, test, and validation purposes. These data should not be used for commercial purposes.

The public data sets are permanently available at

Dissemination of this initiative is taking place so that the number and diversity of the published data sets increase over time and can be used as a valuable public resource for R&D activities. Your contribution to this initiative can be very important. Please disseminate and contribute; use our contact points (; to have all the data that can be made public published on the website.

Please check our Call for Open Data Sets.


Zita A. Vale,
Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal


Qiuha Huang,
Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL)


Pedro Faria,
Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

Management group

Tiago Pinto,
Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal

To the Intelligent Systems Subcommittee (ISS) webpage

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