March 2024

IEEE-HKN Mu Gamma Chapter

The IEEE-HKN Mu Gamma Chapter recently established at Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico (PUPR) on March 22, 2024. The first IEEE HKN chapter in IEEE Puerto Rico and Caribbean Section…


Want to know more about MOVE disaster relief effort? The IEEE MOVE Townhall will provide a review of 2023 activities for all MOVE teams and then an overview of MOVE…

Happy Pi Day!

Pi has interested people around the world for over 4,000 years.  Many mathematicians have toiled over pi, calculated its digits, and applied it in numerous areas of mathematics.  Some spent…

IEEE Region 9 Regional Meeting 2024

IEEE Region 9 RM will be held in the month of March, in Paipa – Colombia. It will be a meeting focused on strategy development, team building, and operations of…