2019 Symposium Meeting Report

“Preventing EMC Problems by Design”
Wednesday, April 24th, 2019
The Phoenix Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society hosted a one-day EMC Symposium titled ‘Preventing EMC Problems by Design’ at the Embassy Suites, in Tempe Arizona. This event provided an excellent entry-level course for designers and EMC engineers new to the field. The speaker, Daryl Gerke, PE, has fifty years of experience in preventing, solving, and teaching about EMI problems.
The event staff included Glen Gassaway (chapter chair), Chris Williams (chapter co-chair), Bob Windell (chapter secretary), Cheryl Checketts (chapter treasurer), Daryl Gerke (chapter godfather) and Shwezin Winko (photographer).
The event was very-well attended, with approximately 85 attendees, including 27 exhibitors from 19 different companies. Each attendee received electronic copies of Daryl’s presentation along with the event program. Information handouts were provided to the attendees, which included the event agenda and information about the IEEE and the EMC Society.
In addition to our lunch and social hour sponsors listed above, a special appreciation to Amplifier Research RF/Microwave Instrumentation for providing the lanyards.
Thanks to all that helped make this event such a success!
Daryl Gerke
Since 1987, Daryl has been solving or preventing EMC problems as a full-time consulting engineer. His first EMC experience goes back to 1960, when he created interference as a teen age ham radio operator.
That ultimately led to his first EMC position in 1970 with Univac Defense Systems. It seems having “radio” on his resume doomed him to become a full time EMC engineer.
In 1987, he and his good friend Bill Kimmel (PE) went into full time EMC consulting, catching the EMI explosion with the newly emerging FCC requirements for computers.
Daryl and Bill solved or prevented hundreds of problems across a wide range of industries – computers, medical, military, industrial, vehicular facilities, and more. They wrote three books, published 200+ articles, and trained over 12,000 students through their public and in-house EMC training seminars. With Bill’s passing in 2015, Daryl now focuses on EMC training.
Daryl has a BSEE from the University of Nebraska and is a Registered Professional Engineer (PE) and NARTE Certified EMC Engineer. He also holds FCC Commercial and Amateur Radio licenses.
Come join us as Daryl shares his many years of both EMC and teaching experience. He is one of our own, residing in Mesa AZ, and is a long-time officer of the Phoenix IEEE EMC Society chapter.
For more EMC information, please visit www.emiguru.com, the web site for Kimmel Gerke Associates, Ltd. Archives include links to dozens of articles, a 25-year newsletter, three books, and more. Daryl can be reached at dgerke@emiguru.com.
7:30 – 8:30am – Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30-10:00am – EMC Basics
- Basic Physics and Key Problems in EMC
- Enclosure Basics
- Shielding Material Needs
- Openings in Shield – Seams and Ventilation
- Shield Penetrations – Signal and Power Entry
10:00- 10:30am – Morning Break/Exhibitors
10:30 – 12:00pm – EMI in Cables – a Major problem
- Shielding Cables/Handling Connectors
- Problems with Pigtail Connectors
- Filtering at Cable Common EMC Issues
12:00 – 1:00pm – Lunch with Exhibitors
1:00 – 2:30pm – Handling EMI with Circuit Design
- Filter Components
- Component Degradation at High Frequency
- EMI in Active Circuits
- Filtering Selected Input and Output Circuits
- Decoupling Power
2:30-3:00pm – Afternoon Break/Exhibitors
3:00 – 4:30pm – Handling EMI on the Circuit Board
- Adverse Effects of Ground impedance
- Multi-layer vs. 2-sided Circuit Boards
- Key Circuits in EMI
- Decoupling and Filter Mounting
4:30 – 5:30pm – Post Seminar Social with Exhibitors