Los Capítulos Estudiantiles Power & Energy Society de la Sección Perú del IEEE, con el apoyo de IEEE PES Peru Section, se han unido para realizar el “Ciclo de Conferencias Women In Power Perú”, el cual es un evento técnico que a través de ponencias realizadas por ingenieras líderes en el sector eléctrico, sirvan de ejemplo y motivación tanto para estudiantes como para las nuevas generaciones que se están formando.
El objetivo es motivar y fomentar tanto a estudiantes con carreras afines del sector eléctrico, como a nuevas generaciones de mujeres, así también resaltar a ingenieras líderes en su campo laboral.
Se busca enviar un mensaje de que actualmente en el Perú hay muchas mujeres pertenecientes al sector eléctrico que están ocupando puestos de liderazgo en sus áreas, de tal manera que sirvan de motivación para las estudiantes.
Así también se busca incentivar el WIP Perú en los capítulos estudiantiles PES existentes y en los creados recientemente.
Capítulo Estudiantil
Hora (GMT-5)
Capítulo Estudiantil
Hora (GMT-5)
06:30pm – 08:00pm
Sandra Chunga Peralta
Operación del SEIN en tiempo real
08:00pm – 09:30pm
Úrsula Ferrari Gálvez
Impacto del Mercado del Gas de Camisea en el Mercado Eléctrico Peruano
07:00pm – 08:00pm
Tatiana Marroquin Silva
Filosofía de Toyota
06:30pm – 08:00pm
Lizbet Vásquez Vásquez
Funcionamiento del Mercado Eléctrico Peruano
08:00pm – 09:30pm
María Julia Sánchez Munarriz
Proyectos de Subestaciones Eléctricas en Alta y Extra Alta Tensión
02:00pm – 04:00pm
María Teresa Mendoza Llerena
Compensación de Energía Reactiva
06:30pm – 08:00pm
Diana Viacava Alarcón
Sistemas de Protección de Líneas de Transmisión
08:00pm – 09:30pm
Giuliana Casalino Guerrero
Procedimiento para el Ingreso, Modificación y Retiro de Instalaciones en el SEIN
As a previous attendee of ISGT Latin America, we wanted to make sure you were aware of this 2021.
ISGT LA 2021 will be held on September 15-17, 2021 at virtual meeting. From Lima – Perú, on behalf of IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) and the Local Organizing Committee, we invite you to join us at the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America 2021.
Este viernes 16 de octubre de 2020 a las 18:00 – 18:30h compartiremos las ventajas de pertenecer a IEEE Power & Energy Society Perú, más información: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/243374
Llego el día mas esperado de todos 🥳IEEE DAY 2020🥳 celébralo junto a la Sección Perú del IEEE. Acompáñanos a esta fiesta … cuando y donde ⁉️ Promoción en descuento en membresía IEEE Profesional por el IEEE Day!
🎊 06 de octubre 🎊 De 19:00 a 20:00 horas (GMT-5) 🎊 http://bit.ly/IEEEDAY2020Peru
Si eres ingeniero colegiado en Perú, agrega el código promocional CIP para tener un descuento en la nueva renovación o membresía.
Sera un día de sorpresas🎁 , acompáñanos al brindis 🍾 por nuestro IEEE DAY y a nuestra gran foto grupal 📸 virtual.
SYDEC, SYSTEP, IEEE e IEEE Power & Energy Society los invita a participar en el seminario virtual gratuito #Sector#Eléctrico 2020: Contexto Actual y Visión post #COVID19
Frequency Control in Low Inertia Systems: Non-Synchronous Technologies
1. Abstract
The total system inertia (H) is the primary source of electricity system robustness to frequency disturbances which arise due to an imbalance of generation and demand. The traditional large synchronous generators directly connected to the grid are the main sources of inertia, and they play an important role in limiting rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) and provide a natural response to the system frequency changes following an unscheduled loss of generation or demand from the power system.
The transition to a low carbon society is the driving force pushing the traditional power system to increase the volume of non-synchronous technologies which mainly use power converters (PCs) as an interface to the power network. The PCs decoupled the primary source from the power network, as a consequence are not able to contribute with “natural” inertia in the same way as classical synchronous generators. During a system frequency disturbance (SFD), the system frequency will change at a rate initially determined by the total system inertia (H). The inertial response of the system might be negatively affected with devastating consequences for system security and reliability.
The objective of this seminar is to present the fundamental aspects about system Frequency Control in Low Inertia Systems.
This seminar has special emphasis on non-synchronous technologies, mainly using power converters (PCs): (a) High Voltage DC (HVDC) and (b) Wind Power Integration and considers the implications on frequency control.
Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt is currently a full professor in electrical power engineering at Institutt for elektro, IT og kybernetikk, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Norway. His academic qualifications include first Class Electrical Engineering of Instituto Universitario Politécnico de la Fuerza Armada Nacional, Venezuela (1994), Master of Business Administration (Honors) of Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua, Venezuela (1999), PhD in Electrical Power Engineering from the Universidad Central de Venezuela (2008) and Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Professional Practice from Coventry University (2013) and Diploma in Leadership and Management (ILM Level 3), Loughborough University (2018).
He is a former Lecturer in Electrical Power Systems at Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering and member of the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) at Loughborough University, UK. He is a former academic staff of Department of Aerospace, Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Coventry University where he started as Lecturer in Electrical Engineering in 2012 and promoted to Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering in 2013. He was formerly with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester as Postdoctoral Research Associate (2009-2011). He is a former associate professor (1995-2009) and Chair (1999-2001) of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Universidad Nacional Politécnico de la Fuerza Armada Nacional, Venezuela (1995-2009).
He has written 20+ book chapters,20+ journal and magazine papers and 80+ conference papers. His work has over 2.2k+ citations, and his h-index is 21 (June 2018), according to Google Scholar. He has been invited professor at the Master on Renewables at University of Seville, Spain, Master of Renewable at University Carlos III Madrid, Spain. He has been invited speaker at several top universities: KTH-Sweden, Leuven-Belgium, TU Delft-The Netherlands, etc.; keynote speaker several important conferences, including session chair at IEEE ISGT Asia 2019, ISGT Asia 2018, ISGT Asia 2015, IECON 2013, IEEE Powertech 2011, IEEE ISGT Europe 2011. He is a reviewer of the top conferences and journal papers research area (IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, IEEE Transaction on Smart Grids, IET Renewable Power Generation, Elsevier Renewable Energy, etc.)
He is Vice-President of Venezuelan Wind Energy Association, Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE), a member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology – The IET (UK) and a member of International Council on Large Electric Systems -CIGRE. He received the professional recognition as FHEA – Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in January 2014. His research interest includes innovative (operation/control) schemes to optimise the performance of future energy systems. His research is or has been supported by the Royal Society, British Council, UK India Education Research Initiative (UKIERI) –UK. He has been collaborating in European research projects, including: “Integration of Offshore wind power into the Spanish Power System using HVDC”, Universidad Carlos III, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain.
Professor Saifur Rahman is the founding director of the Advanced Research Instute (www.ari.vt.edu) at Virginia Tech, USA where he is the Joseph R. Loring professor of electrical and computer engineering. He also directs the Center for Energy and the Global Environment. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and an IEEE Millennium Medal winner. He was the president of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) for 2018 and 2019. He was the founding editor-in-chief of the IEEE Electrificaon Magazine and the IEEE transactions on Sustainable Energy. He has published over 140 journal papers and has made over four hundred conference and invited presentaons. He is the founder of BEM Controls, LLC, a Virginia (USA)-based soware company providing building energy management soluons.
Se presentará un nuevo modelo que describe con gran precisión el comportamiento del Covid-19, empleando la teoría del #caos, usando el Efecto Mariposa, en el que pequeñas acciones afectan el futuro de la expansión de virus. Aplicando #Bayes, combinado con sistemas no lineales y dinámicos, muestran que esta enfermedad seguirá creciendo de forma no periódica. Las proyecciones se realizan empleando un proceso de reducción espacial Gaussiano con regresiones, extrayendo la data de sistemas GIS y escenarios múltiples con alta precisión.
👉🏻 Conoce más: https://lnkd.in/em8FUm4
Language: English
June 30th, 2020 | 7:00 PM (GMT-5)
Energy Efficiency in Smart Buildings Through IoT Sensor Integration
Presented by Saifur Rahman
Joseph Loring Professor & Director – Advanced Research Institute, Virginia Tech, USA.
Professor Saifur Rahman is the founding director of the Advanced Research Instute (www.ari.vt.edu) at Virginia Tech, USA where he is the Joseph R. Loring professor of electrical and computer engineering. He also directs the Center for Energy and the Global Environment. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and an IEEE Millennium Medal winner. He was the president of the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) for 2018 and 2019. He was the founding editor-in-chief of the IEEE Electrificaon Magazine and the IEEE transactions on Sustainable Energy. He has published over 140 journal papers and has made over four hundred conference and invited presentaons. He is the founder of BEM Controls, LLC, a Virginia (USA)-based soware company providing building energy management soluons.