IEEE PES PERU Julio 2020.
Tema: Frequency Control in Low Inertia Systems.
Este 10 de Julio de 2020 a las 12:00h @ 13:00h (Hora Bogotá/Lima).
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Frequency Control in Low Inertia Systems: Non-Synchronous Technologies
1. Abstract
The total system inertia (H) is the primary source of electricity system robustness to frequency disturbances which arise due to an imbalance of generation and demand. The traditional large synchronous generators directly connected to the grid are the main sources of inertia, and they play an important role in limiting rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) and provide a natural response to the system frequency changes following an unscheduled loss of generation or demand from the power system.
The transition to a low carbon society is the driving force pushing the traditional power system to increase the volume of non-synchronous technologies which mainly use power converters (PCs) as an interface to the power network. The PCs decoupled the primary source from the power network, as a consequence are not able to contribute with “natural” inertia in the same way as classical synchronous generators. During a system frequency disturbance (SFD), the system frequency will change at a rate initially determined by the total system inertia (H). The inertial response of the system might be negatively affected with devastating consequences for system security and reliability.
The objective of this seminar is to present the fundamental aspects about system Frequency Control in Low Inertia Systems.
This seminar has special emphasis on non-synchronous technologies, mainly using power converters (PCs): (a) High Voltage DC (HVDC) and (b) Wind Power Integration and considers the implications on frequency control.
Keywords: Control, Frequency, Frequency support, HVDC, Inertia, Multi-terminal HVDC, Wind Power.
2. Tutorial Duration
This seminar is designed for 2-hour
3. Instructor Affiliation
Professor in Electrical Power Engineering
Universitetet I Sørøst-Norge/University of South-Eastern Norway
Fakultet for teknologi, naturvitenskap og maritime fag/Faculty of Technology, Natural Sciences and Marine Sciences
Institutt for elektro, IT og kybernetikk/ Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Cybernetics
Office B241, Kjølnes Ring 56, 3918 Porsgrunn, Norway
Website: https://www.usn.no/english/about/contact-us/employees/francisco-manuel-gonzalez-longatt-article222386-7531.html
Personal website: http://www.fglongatt.org
Phone: +47 31 00 85 22 | Email: F.Gonzalez-Longatt@usn.no
Skype: fglongatt | Twitter: @fglongatt
Vice-President of Venezuelan Wind Energy Association/Asociacion Venezolana de Energia Eolica
Editorial: Journal of Applied Materials and Technology
Editorial Board: Sustainability — Open Access Journal (IF = 2.592)
Advisory Editorial Board of Journal of Graphic Era University
Advisory Editorial Board of Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation
4. Instructor Biography
Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt is currently a full professor in electrical power engineering at Institutt for elektro, IT og kybernetikk, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Norway. His academic qualifications include first Class Electrical Engineering of Instituto Universitario Politécnico de la Fuerza Armada Nacional, Venezuela (1994), Master of Business Administration (Honors) of Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua, Venezuela (1999), PhD in Electrical Power Engineering from the Universidad Central de Venezuela (2008) and Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Professional Practice from Coventry University (2013) and Diploma in Leadership and Management (ILM Level 3), Loughborough University (2018).
He is a former Lecturer in Electrical Power Systems at Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering and member of the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) at Loughborough University, UK. He is a former academic staff of Department of Aerospace, Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Coventry University where he started as Lecturer in Electrical Engineering in 2012 and promoted to Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering in 2013. He was formerly with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester as Postdoctoral Research Associate (2009-2011). He is a former associate professor (1995-2009) and Chair (1999-2001) of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Universidad Nacional Politécnico de la Fuerza Armada Nacional, Venezuela (1995-2009).
He is the author or editor of several books (Spanish and English) including: “Power Factory Applications for Power System Analysis», Springer; “Advanced Smart Grid Functionalities Based on PowerFactory” Springer, and “Dynamic Vulnerability Assessment and Intelligent Control for Sustainable Power Systems”, Wiley.
He has written 20+ book chapters,20+ journal and magazine papers and 80+ conference papers. His work has over 2.2k+ citations, and his h-index is 21 (June 2018), according to Google Scholar. He has been invited professor at the Master on Renewables at University of Seville, Spain, Master of Renewable at University Carlos III Madrid, Spain. He has been invited speaker at several top universities: KTH-Sweden, Leuven-Belgium, TU Delft-The Netherlands, etc.; keynote speaker several important conferences, including session chair at IEEE ISGT Asia 2019, ISGT Asia 2018, ISGT Asia 2015, IECON 2013, IEEE Powertech 2011, IEEE ISGT Europe 2011. He is a reviewer of the top conferences and journal papers research area (IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, IEEE Transaction on Smart Grids, IET Renewable Power Generation, Elsevier Renewable Energy, etc.)
He is Vice-President of Venezuelan Wind Energy Association, Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE), a member of The Institution of Engineering and Technology – The IET (UK) and a member of International Council on Large Electric Systems -CIGRE. He received the professional recognition as FHEA – Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in January 2014. His research interest includes innovative (operation/control) schemes to optimise the performance of future energy systems. His research is or has been supported by the Royal Society, British Council, UK India Education Research Initiative (UKIERI) –UK. He has been collaborating in European research projects, including: “Integration of Offshore wind power into the Spanish Power System using HVDC”, Universidad Carlos III, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain.
Two special research projects financially supported by the Royal Society and British Council deserve mention: “Exploring beyond the Frontiers to Build a Smarter Grid (EBF2BSG)” and “Smart Multi-Terminal DC micro-grids for autonomous Zero-Net-Energy Buildings”. More recent projects include Newton-Bhabha India UK Advanced Training School (IUATS), Optimal Design and Control of Smart Community: New Ideas for off-grid Communities
#IEEE #Control #Frequency #HVDC #Inertia #MultiTerminal #Wind #Norway #Lima #PeruEsCiencia