Publicaciones de Miembros en Revistas IEEE
- Marco Quispe; Mariano Chuchon; Rolando Adriano; Javier Samaniego . “Design and implementation of a low-cost prototype system for continuous monitoring of electric fields generated by mobile base stations in the 850 MHz and 1900 MHz frequency bands”. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 2016, Volume: 14, Issue: 2. 463 – 470, DOI: 1109/TLA.2016.7437180
- R.B. Prada, L.J. de Souza, J. Lafitte Vega. The need for Voltage stability analysis in voltage-controlled buses. International Journal of Electric Power & Energy System. 68 (2015) 252-258.
- Victor Murray; Marios Pattichis; Daniel Llamocca; James Lyke. Field-Programmable Wiring Systems .Proceedings of the IEEE. 2015, Volume: 103, Issue: 7. 1159 – 1180, DOI: 1109/JPROC.2015.2432123
2013 (1957)
- IEEE. «Paucartambo hydroelectric facilities now operating in Peru «. Electrical Engineering (Volume:76 , Issue: 5 ), pages 452-453. Fecha de versión corriente: 12 febrero 2013
- Cámac, D. ; Gov. of Peru, Lima, Peru ; Bastidas, R. ; Nadira, R. ; Dortolina, C. . «Transmission Planning Criteria and Their Application Under Uncertainty«. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on (Volume:25 , Issue: 4 ), pages 1996-2003.
- Camac, D.J. ; Bastidas, R.C. ; Sifeuntes, W. ; Tabors, R.D. «Transmission Tariffs by Use of System and Economic Benefits «. System Sciences, 2009. HICSS ’09. 42nd Hawaii International Conference on, pages 1-10.
- Camac G, D. ; Energy & Min. Investment Supervisory Agency, Lima ; Bastidas T, R. ; Castillo S, M. ; Butron F, C. «Generation options and the environment to assuring the efficient development of hydro developments in Peru«. Power and Energy Society General Meeting – Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, 2008 IEEE
2007 (1980)
- Arcidiacono, V. ; ENEL, DSR-CRA (Italian Electricity Board, Research and Development Dept.-Automatica Research Center) ; Ferrari, E. ; Marconato, R. ; Ghali, J.D. «Evaluation and Improvement of Electromechanical Oscillation Damping By Means of Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Analysis. Practical Results in the Central Peru Power «. Power Apparatus and Systems, IEEE Transactions on (Volume:PAS-99 , Issue: 2 ), pages 769-778.
- Camac, D. ; Energy Investment Supervisory Agency, Lima ; Ormeno, V. ; Espinoza, L. «Assuring the efficient development of electricity generation in Peru«. Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2006. IEEE
- Vilcahuaman, R. ; Dept. of Electr. Eng., Univ. Nacional del Centro del Peru, Huancayo, Peru ; Melendez, J. . «Improvement of electric load forecasting reusing past instances and contextual based adaptation «. Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America, 2004 IEEE/PES, pages 271-276. Conference 08-11 november 2004.