El Equipo de IEEE PES Women in Power Perú se complace en realizar el Webinar:
«Photovoltaic Solar Plants»
Resumen: Se discutirán las generalidades del diseño y construcción de un parque solar.
Fecha: 26 de febrero 2021
Hora: 18:00 h (GMT-5)
Ponente: PhDc Jennifer Mejía, Gerente de proyectos en Enel Green Power
Idioma: Español
LINK DE INSCRIPCIONES: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/event/register/263469¡
Biography: PhDc Jennifer Mejía
Colombian electrical engineer, with experience in international power system project coordination, solid knowledge in analysis of Electrical Systems, Transmission Lines & Generation systems. Currently she is project Manager of the largest PV and Wind farms in Peru and Chile.
She has also implemented the Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for mining, power and distribution systems. With her team have designed the implementation and operation of RTU ( Remote Terminal Units) and we also have designed power lines and substation protection and control Systems.
She has worked in control and automation systems in Indra Colombia (installation, automation and configuration of equipment in the operations control center for tunnels and highways) and worked as commissioning manager in international large-scale power transmission projects in Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Spain, Chile, Germany, Russia and Argelia.
She is also IEEE Senior member, is a senior researcher recognized by Concytec and have worked in researching Dynamics and Operation of Power Systems & I have pertained to Transmission networks group, accredited by COLCIENCIAS, from January 2006 to July 2010.
- PhDc Engineering, concentration power systems.
- Master of Science, concentration Project Management.
- Summa Cum Laude – Degree
- Power Systems & FACTS Devices Specialist – Siemens Technik Akademie Erlangen
- Bachelor of Science in Electric Engineering, Concentration of Power Systems (2010), National University of Colombia. Note: Ranked First among the graduates of the academic year 2005 -2010.
- Diploma in English University of Illinois 2008 Illinois CHI.
Se realizó con gran éxito el primer webinar del 2021 realizado por el equipo de IEEE PES Women in Power Peru, obtuviendo una asistencia de aproximadamente 150 asistentes.
Se discutieron las generalidades del diseño y construcción de un parque solar.