2019 IEEE PES – Joint Technical Committee Meeting

January 13 – 17, 2019 • Hyatt Regency Orange County (Garden Grove), California, USA

2019 IEEE PES Joint Technical Committee Meeting Overview

The purpose of the 2019 IEEE PES Joint Technical Committee Meeting is to provide a forum where PES technical committees can meet for up to 5 days to focus on technical matters and standards – the primary work of committees, subcommittees, working groups, and/or task forces – without the distractions of the unrelated elements generally found at other PES meetings or expositions.

Event App

There is an app that has been developed which contains the program guide.
You may download it at the Apple Appstore or Google Play.

Please note that you will need to update the app’s data. Click options (top right), then click «Check for agenda update» to update the app.

For instructions – Click here


2019 IEEE PES Joint Technical Committee Meeting


Sunday – Thursday, January 13-17, 2019


Garden Grove, California, USA

Go to the webpage.

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