Signal Processing Chapter


Chapter Officers

Chair: Position Not Filled 

  Vice Chair: Yahia Tachwali,  y.tachwali at

September 19, 2022 – As chapter Vice Chair, I would like to invite you to participate in planning upcoming chapter meetings by providing ideas for talks and volunteering talks for our meetings.

I welcome volunteered talks in the field of signal processing. If you have a topic that you would like to share with the chapter, please do not hesitate to contact me with the title and approximate preferred dates. We typically schedule meetings for two hours in the evening on a Monday or Tuesday, with the talk placed in the center of the meeting schedule for up to an hour. Talks can also be short. We provide refreshments, and will help you advertise your talk. Using our IEEE meeting announcement tools, a meeting announcement will be sent out to all IEEE SPS chapter members in PCJS and also to all PCJS section members. Meeting sizes are usually about a dozen. Locating a place for a talk is a logistical problem we solve on an individual basis. Some schools have meeting rooms that can be reserved. We have also used hotel conference center rooms and (preferred) free library conference rooms.


Please respond with a brief email to my email address at the bottom of this letter with

a)     Your thoughts and ideas for talk subjects you would like to hear someone make a presentation about, or
b)    Information about a talk you would like to give.
c)     We’d also like to hear what industry you are employed in, if you care to share this info.


Delivering talks for the IEEE is fun and is a good professional development activity of its own. We will guide you through the process if you have not done it before. 20-30 slides usually make a good talk. You can talk about an area of interest or perhaps a technical subject you are directly involved in.

The objectives of our SPS chapter meetings include:

1) Facilitate professional development of chapter members by providing a forum to increase knowledge of Signal Processing methods and technologies.
2) To provide opportunities for professional networking and socialization of members at meetings.
3) To welcome visitors and make them aware of the IEEE and its purpose and objectives.


I look forward to hearing back from you. We are having fun and we are making a difference in our community.

Best Regards,

Yahia Tachwali, PhD, PCJS SPS Vice Chair


Society Links


Past Meetings


Product Development Methodologies and System Design Using DSP’s 
IEEE Signal Processing Society, PCJS Chapter Meeting
Jerry Bellott, MSEE
Date: December 20th 2011

Download: Details


                         Bandwidth Efficient Modulation over Fiber
              Sponsored by SSCS & SP Chapters IEEE Princeton Section
                                                                   Date: March 24, 2010 


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