David Soll (passed away 11/9/2021) was an active member of the IEEE Princeton / Central Jersey Section.  His loss is felt deeply by all who volunteered with him. David cared deeply about the IEEE and its effect on its members.  He wanted and worked for a truly engaged section to be a true benefit to each member. 

 Dave took part in growing the engagement of the membership by reaching out to the schools and universities in the section to support their programs as well as listening to students during their science fairs.  He brought students in to demonstrate what they were working on. Dave had ideas to improve the section and then went about working to make the changes happen.  He was a patient leader who helped to train the new volunteers on how to get the best out themselves in their chapter or society.  

Dave spearheaded new initiatives within the section.  Together with Annette Taylor (RIP January 2016) they co-created the Information Technology Professional Conference in 2006 to bring together IT experts to share the latest information with our membership.  He led this conference yearly since 2006.  He always graciously gave his time to the Trenton Computer Fair as a presenter.  Within the section, he personally trained the upcoming executive leaders in the secretary and treasurer duties.  He was the go-to guy in finding out about all things IEEE. 

Some of David’s IEEE experience:

A member of the IEEE for 20 years – He was elevated to Life-Senior member on 1/1/2018

Co-Created the yearly Information Technology Professional Conference in March 2006 (co-located with TCF).  David ran this conference every year from 2006-2021. 

Computer Chapter Chair 1/1/2008

Computer Chapter Vice-Chair 1/1/2011

PCJS Section Secretary 1/1/2012

PCJS Section Treasurer 2/11/13

PCJS Section Vice-Chair 1/1/2014 & 1/1/2020

PCJS Chair 1/1/2016

Region 1 Assistant Section Partnership Council 2018

IEEE Metropolitan Area Section Activities Council, Treasurer and Vice Chair, 2016 – 2020

Some photos of Dave in his IEEE activities:

Dave presenting at TCF in 2002

Dave presenting at TCF in 2004

Dave receiving an award in 2005

Awards Banquet 2012 – Dave and Annette Taylor (RIP Jan 2016) for starting ITPC

Party – January 2012

Dave receiving a Region 1 award from Rebecca Mercuri and Habib Ahson in June 2011

Dave with the executive team at the time, 2011. 

Wes Bury , Dave, Rebecca, Habib, Aileen Chang, Ashutosh Dutta

Dave at ITPC 2016

David as chair presenting an award to Roger Ding in 2017

Dave receiving a section award for Continuous Leadership to the Section in 2018 from Francis O’Connell and Charles Rubenstein

We miss you, Dave!

Your friends from the IEEE Princeton / Central Jersey Section, March 2022

If you have any memories that you would like to share with the IEEE PCJS section, please email them to:

francis.x.oconnell at ieee.org

Please write: “David Soll memory” in the subject of your email.

Fran will collect some and add them here.

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