Education Society
Chapter Officers
Chair: Ashutosh Dutta
Vice Chair: Sam Adhikari
sadhikari at

Please mark your calendars to attend ISEC 2025 on Saturday, March 15, 2025 again at Princeton University in New Jersey

March 9, 2024 – 14th IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference
Below are photos from the March 9 event. Thank you to all who volunteered their time to make this conference a success.

See link:<>
ISEC 2022 was conducted remotely. Below is a link to the winners of special paper and demo awards. This year, a special award was created by the family of David Soll in his memory. The honorees are listed also in the IEEE 2022 Certificates below:
Upcoming Meetings
For more information, please look for PCJS EVENTS section.
We had a successful ISEC 2021 over Zoom on March 13, 2021.
Click below to download the program from ISEC 2021

Check here for upcoming events.
Our Vice Chair of the Section, Nagi Naganathan, visited his home town in India in July 2018.
Nagi later spoke at his college about engineering and the IEEE. Here is a photo from his visit there.

Nagi (sitting, second from left) visiting his alma mater on July 3, 2018 with the IEEE Student Branch, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, India (July 3, 2018)
Society Links

Pre-University Student Branches
- Bridgewater Raritan High School
- Montgomery High School
- Edison High School
- Old Bridge High School
- Hillsborough High School
- Noor-UI-Iman High School
- The Hun School of Princeton
- South Brunswick High School

Congratulations to the Section for receiving this plaque from IEEE for our section’s participation in the EPICS program in rural India to provide Digital Literacy. Congratulations especially to the High School students of Bridgewater Raritan High School for implementing this project.
Below is the a photo of the plaque and a “Thank you” from team leader Ashutosh Dutta.

Dear All, On Dec 18, 2014, I received the following certificate from IEEE towards IEEE Princeton/Central Jersey Section’s role in implementing EPICS (Engineering Projects in Community Service) in IEEE. This project was implemented with the leadership from Bridgewater Raritan High School iSTEM club members while IEEE PCJS provided the required assistance as needed. I would like to thank IEEE PCJS immediate past chair Dr. Rebecca Mercuri, current chair Mr. Habib Ahson, current Excom members, Mr. David Soll, Mr. Fran OConnell, Dr. Nagi Naganathan, and Prof. Susan Donohue, Dr. Vigensh Subbian and Dr. Al Katz for their encouragement and support towards this activity in general. Last but not the least, I am very happy to note the efforts from BRHS iSTEM club members and their advisers in carrying out this project. I am sure this will act as a model for other schools to follow to implement similar EPICS projects in different parts of the world. We can plan to put this certificate during one of our section events and can take a group picture. Regards Ashutosh Dutta, Ph.D. Vice Chair IEEE Education Society Chapter of PCJS Past Chair PCJS