2022 IEEE Annual Report

The 2022 IEEE Annual Report is available for download: https://bit.ly/3XBQMwh

This year’s report includes a message from IEEE President and CEO, K. J. Ray Liu, highlights for IEEE sponsored achievements throughout the year, and a detailed financial report. Special thanks to all the IEEE members that contribute to our organization and continue to find ways to improve our professional home.

2022 IEEE Annual Report Cover


Engagement Challenge: First three IEEE Oklahoma City members/students to submit a short summary of the annual report will receive a small gift card on behalf of the local section. Summary should include an overview of the report, two or more examples of interesting talking points, and a conclusion all not more than 200 words. Please disclose method summary was composed such as independent writing, group conversation, or using ChatGPT prompts for transparency and future conversation. Please email submissions to ieeeokcyp@gmail.com and use “IEEEOKC – 2022 IEEE Annual Report Summary” as the subject.