Radar Conference Activities

As the Radar Conference 18 event approaches the IEEE community would like to share information about the local activities throughout the week of the conference.


Social events offer time for attendees to connect and experience the attractions in the Oklahoma City area. Visit https://www.radarconf18.org/social_and_spouse.html for more information about social programs and https://www.radarconf18.org/surrounding.html for list of activities.


Tutorials are currently scheduled for Monday (4/23) and Friday (4/27) covering a wide range of topics and may be subject to change. Visit http://radarcon18.org/tutorials.html for more information.

To register for Radar Conference ’18 visit http://www.cvent.com/events/2018-ieee-radar-conference/event-summary-6c8cd29a93ed4ae69484079a019c74c3.aspx

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