IEEE Distinguished Lecture – Electromigration Simulation at Circuit Levels

“Electromigration Simulation at Circuit Levels” by Professor Cher Ming TAN, Chang Gung University, Taiwan. IEEE Distinguished Lecturer.

June 25, 2015 (Thursday)
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Dewan Kuliah A, Engineering Campus, University Science Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia

Admission is free.


Electromigration has been a dominant failure mechanism for interconnects in ULSI. Extensive research works on the understanding of electromigration and methodologies to enhance interconnect EM lifetime are being proposed. While the ultimate goal of all these studies are to extend the interconnect lifetime in ULSI, all the studies so far are on the test structures, with the belief that their effectiveness will be similar when implemented at circuit level. However, recent studies revealed that this may not be the case, and more considerations are needed when the methodologies are implemented at circuit level.

This work shows the need for circuit level electromigration modelling and the method to perform the modelling at circuit level. Examples are shown for digital, analog, and RF circuits, and the way to speed up the modelling in complex circuit is also presented, making the method practical for implementation.