Upcoming February Joint Meetings

The Las Vegas Section invites its members to join the following events from the Denver and Phoenix Chapters.

Denver Joint Computer, Information Theory, and Robotics Society Presents: Perspectives and Connections: From Control Theory to Intelligent Robots to Cooperative Autonomy

Feb 11, 2021 6:00 pm MST

Dr. Kevin Moore , Executive Director of the Humanitarian Engineering Program and Director of the new Robotics Program, Colorado School of Mines

This talk will review past & present robotics developments at Colorado School of Mines. It will discuss the conceptual design and integration of the components of unmanned systems and the algorithms to enable control and autonomy.  It will review case study examples of robotic and unmanned systems developments at Colorado School Mines over the last 20-years.

Register: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/256142

Phoenix Computer Society Presents:

Dark, Deep and Political on the Internet & Cybersecurity Certifications in the Marketplace 

Feb 17, 2021, 7 pm MST

Dr. Bill Curd, President, Synesys Group LLC, Phoenix

Our own Dr. Bill Curd will start with an overview of the Internet, especially the Darknet, how to access, search, and navigate there with some protections including the tor browser. Then he’ll share snippets from various places and some recent topics such as 2020 election integrity, origin of SARS-CoV-2, and the so-called Intellectual Dark Web. 

Bill will identify the hottest cybersecurity and related certifications and how job postings and salary correlate with holding them – and solicit your feedback on what certification or other training you’d be seriously interested in attending. 

IEEE Life Member Dr. Bill Curd has been a pioneer in cybersecurity and related disciplines within global high-tech enterprises for decades. As President of Synesys Group, he is an invited instructor, speaker, investigator, intelligence analyst and mentor in cybersecurity, privacy, and national security CYBINT techniques – best known for his highly-evaluated CISSP boot camps. 

At Honeywell, he was lead security analyst and compliance focal for systems running SAP globally with 59,000 users processing over $35B in business. Previously, Bill was Manager of Systems Integration and Security, Aerospace Electronic Systems, the Information Security Officer (CISO equivalent) for 15 years, and a (deputy) Network and Data Security Officer for all of Honeywell. 

Bill earned 4 degrees including a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and has numerous professional certifications and affiliations. Please join his network of 20,000 professionals on LinkedIn – http://www.linkedin.com/in/billcurd

Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dark-deep-and-political-on-the-internet-tickets-138016508091

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