Event Date: February 28, 2022
Venue: Forman Christian University, Lahore
Remarks: For the new batch, an IEEE orientation was prepared to introduce them to the organization. how it can benefit them both academically and professionally. Because most of their questions were addressed, students considered it to be intriguing.

Event Date: April 21, 2022
Venue: Online
Remarks: SSR M. Abdul Rehman assembled a group to handle the management, editing, and design. This team’s wide diversity is an intriguing aspect. Members of this team come from several universities.

Event Date: April 12, 2022
Venue: Gourmet Restaurant, Lahore
Remarks: Various proposals were addressed at a meeting of the IEEE Lahore section. and an Iftar marked the conclusion of the conference.

Event Date: March 8, 2022
Venue: Punjab Tianjin University of Technology, Lahore
Remarks: Dr. Muqeet from Punjab Tianjin University of Technology organized this orientation. Students were very eager to learn about IEEE. We can only hope that they will emerge as a new Student Branch.

Event Date: May 25, 2022
Venue: Online
Remarks: This session was planned in conjunction with Game Train. It informs students about the most recent developments in the video game business. More information, including how students might pursue it as a profession

Event Date: July 6, 2022
Venue: UET Lahore
SAC Stars Meetup
Remarks: In sha Allah, the Sac Stars meetup will take place on July 6, 2022. This meetup’s goal is to enable students to widen their networks. participation from team members and professionals.

Event Date: June 16, 2022
Venue: UET Narrowal
Remarks: This orientation was conducted by the UET narrow student group to provide a quick insight into the new bees. The orientation was fantastic. the crew was competent and well- organized.