Evolution of IEEE-NUCES Lahore
Another set-back happened to IEEE-NUCES in 2001, then Chairman Mr. Ali Hasham left the university and shifted abroad. Mr. Aqeel Saifi then was nominated as the new Chairman. I should mention another name of Mr. Yasir Qureshi (Batch 99-1) who was the Chairman of IEEE-NUCES before Mr. Ali Hasham. By the time, Aqeel took over as the IEEE-NUCES branch; the branch was effectively inexistent.
Mr. Aqeel Saifi made an entirely new team which was relatively junior but they had the zeal to take IEEE-NUCES further and establish it not only as a Student Branch but also as a reputable society of the campus. The By-Laws of the society were drafted and submitted to IEEE Lahore Section and IEEE head office for reviewing. The process took around 2 months and the By-Laws were approved after certain amendments by the IEEE Lahore Section and IEEE Head Office. As per the By-Laws, a new executive committee was made which comprised of Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary and Treasurer. IEEE-NUCES opened its bank account and then all the legal formalities were completed and IEEE-NUCES was a Student Branch registered with IEEE.
The Student Branch IEEE-NUCES started arranging formal events from its platform. Seminars on Emerging Market Trends in IT Industry and Entrepreneurship were organized which were pretty well appreciated and IEEE-NUCES started to establish itself among many different societies of FAST and other IEEE Student Branches in Pakistan.
In the second-half of 2002, IEEE-WEEK was organized at Lahore level which was a big success. The IEEE-NUCES was established and recognized all across after the IEEE-WEEK 2002. The IEEE-WEEK was brainchild of Mr. Aqeel Saifi which later on became an annual tradition of IEEE-NUCES.
Along the way, IEEE-NUCES arranged numerous short-courses for the students of NUCES. IEEE members were given major rebates in the course fees and the courses were even attended by NUCES Peshawar Campus students.
In 2003, IEEE-NUCES organized its first All-Pakistan event. IEEE-WEEK 2003 became a national event and was attended by various universities spread across multiple geographical locations in Pakistan.
In 2004, IEEE-NUCES organized INMIC which was an immense success. The event attracted a very high number of participants and the qualities of papers presented in the conference were appreciated by all the participants.
It would be very rude of me, if I don’t mention the names of the individuals who have contributed a great deal in establishing IEEE-NUCES. Some important persons are:
1. Agha Adeel (Batch 1998)
2. Aqeel Saifi (Batch 99-2) Chairman, IEEE-NUCES 2002
3. Waqas Zafar (Batch 2000) Vice Chairman, IEEE-NUCES 2002
4. Ahmad Nawaz (Batch 2000) Chairman, IEEE-NUCES 2003
5. Nauman Saeed (Batch 2001) Chairman, IEEE-NUCES 2004
Few volunteers who contributed a great deal were:
• Asim Ijaz, Sana Gul, Waqas Khan (Batch 99-2)
• Jareer Ahsan, Bushra Naseem (Batch 2000)
• Zunaira Malik, Sheraz Arshad (Batch 2001)
• Ehsan Saqib, Aizah Ashraf, Fawad Ahmad (Batch 2002)
All these persons have enjoyed different offices in IEEE-NUCES during different times.
Few other persons who should also get an appreciation are:
1. Dr. Amjad Hussain, NUCES-FAST IEEE-NUCES Branch Counselor and Faculty Advisor
2. Dr. Arshad Hussain, NUCES-FAST IEEE-NUCES Faculty Advisor
3. Dr. Fakhar Lodhi IEEE-NUCES Faculty Advisor
4. Mr. Nadeem Akhtar, LUMS