The IEEE Region 10, also sometimes referred as the Asia Pacific Region, comprises of 57 Sections, 6 Councils, 17 Sub-sections, 515 Chapters, 60 Affinity Groups and 958 Student Branches. It covers a geographical area stretching from South Korea and Japan in the north-east to New Zealand in the south, and Pakistan in the west. With a membership of 107,154, it is one of the largest regions in IEEE.

Mission Statement
In order to fulfill IEEE’s mission of advancing the theory and practice of electrical, electronics, communications and computer engineering, as well as computer science and related areas, Region 10 activities are directed to developing and maintaining regional entities for the best interests and benefits of the IEEE members in the region.

To achieve that mission, the Regional activities include:

  • To formulate goals and objectives for the Region.
  • To plan Regional operations, including budget preparation and approval.
  • To report officer, financial operation and meeting reports to the Regional Activities Department.
  • To plan and implement programs in support of the local organizational units in meeting the needs of the members of the Region.
  • To plan and implement programs for the volunteer structure of the Region, for example, develop and implement leadership training.
  • programs for volunteers and members to enhance their interpersonal skills, group skills and leadership abilities.
  • To provide leadership opportunities for interested members to take an active role within the operations of the Region.


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